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Презентация на тему к разделу 7 (Being together) к учебному пособию New Millennium English 8 класс.

Being together Lesson 1. Sakubona ! Many happy returns !
Презентация к разделу 7 (Being together) к учебному пособию New Millennium English Being together Lesson 1. Sakubona ! Many happy returns ! A few details about myself.Hello, my name is Matvei Epifanov but my Russia. Country and traditions.In Russia birthdays are very important for a teenager, My opinion.I think that to give money is a good idea, because
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Being together Lesson 1. Sakubona ! Many

Being together Lesson 1. Sakubona ! Many happy returns !

happy returns !

Слайд 3 A few details about myself.
Hello, my name is

A few details about myself.Hello, my name is Matvei Epifanov but

Matvei Epifanov but my friends always call me Moty

for short. I‘m a student of class eight and I study well. I live in a small provincial town. Also I have a hobby. My hobby is shopping. I‘m calm and practical and I have a healthy attitude to fashionI don’t think a lot about what I look like and I enjoy myself more and the most important that I dress for myself. I don’t understand people who think that shopping is a bad hobby but I love my activity. Unfortunately in my town clothes are very expensive and I can’t buy a lot of clothes, it’s so bad.

Слайд 4 Russia. Country and traditions.
In Russia birthdays are very

Russia. Country and traditions.In Russia birthdays are very important for a

important for a teenager, because a teen can meet

with friends and have fun.
In the morning, members of family congratulate a birthday child.
Parents light the candles on the birthday cake. There are as many candles as the age of the birthday child. And everyone sings the birthday songs and the birthday child blows out the candles. If all of the candles are blown out in one try, the wish of the birthday child will come true. Friends and relatives wish the birthday child health, happiness, love. Also friends give money.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-razdelu-7-being-together-k-uchebnomu-posobiyu-new-millennium-english-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 176
  • Количество скачиваний: 3