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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Thinking hats

PositivesPositive thinkingBrightnessOptimismFocus on benefitsPositive thinkingMaking it happen
De Bono’s Thinking HatsProblem solvingDecision MakingPlanningAnalysisBeing constructiveBeing creativeBeing productiveUsing informationTrying to be PositivesPositive thinkingBrightnessOptimismFocus on benefitsPositive thinkingMaking it happen MinusesWhy something didn't workPointing out difficultiesPointing out the   problemsLogical thinking New IdeasNew ideas, concepts,    perceptionsThe creation of new ideasNew approaches to problemsAlternativesChange EmotionGut feelingsNo need to justifyHunches, intuition,  impressionsSubjective reasoningFeelings FactsWhat information do we have?What information do we need?What information is missing?What PlanAsking the right questionsDefining the problemSetting the thinking tasksBreaking the problem downSimple steps
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Positives
Positive thinking
Focus on benefits
Positive thinking
Making it happen

PositivesPositive thinkingBrightnessOptimismFocus on benefitsPositive thinkingMaking it happen

Слайд 3 Minuses
Why something didn't work
Pointing out difficulties
Pointing out the

MinusesWhy something didn't workPointing out difficultiesPointing out the  problemsLogical thinking

Logical thinking

Слайд 4 New Ideas
New ideas, concepts, perceptions

New IdeasNew ideas, concepts,  perceptionsThe creation of new ideasNew approaches to problemsAlternativesChange

creation of new ideas
New approaches to problems

Слайд 5 Emotion
Gut feelings
No need to justify
Hunches, intuition,

EmotionGut feelingsNo need to justifyHunches, intuition, impressionsSubjective reasoningFeelings


Слайд 6 Facts
What information do we have?
What information do we

FactsWhat information do we have?What information do we need?What information is

What information is missing?
What do we need to ask?

are the reasons for this?
How can we find this
information out?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-thinking-hats.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 0