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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day is one of the most favorite holidays in the United States.
Thanksgiving day Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day is one of the most favorite holidays in the United States. Fourth ThursdayEvery fourth Thursday of October American people celebrate this holiday.  Big family dinnerThey usually stay at home and have a big family dinner.  This dayThis day has a very important meaning in the history of America. First Thanksgiving dayThe first Thanksgiving day was celebrated by pilgrims in autumn Native American IndiansBefore their arrival to America the country was inhabited by Native American Indians. Difficult lifeHowever, when they settled here, life was quite difficult. There was First winterFirst winter was especially difficult and many people couldn’t survive without fresh food. In springIn spring Native Indians taught pilgrims how to survive in America. In autumnIn the autumn of 1621 they had a wonderful harvest. To During this holidayDuring this holiday the tables were full of fresh food: Their Indian friendsTheir Indian friends were also invited to share the feast.  NowadaysNowadays Americans continue celebrating this holiday and the main dish is still turkey. Pumpkin pieThe most popular dessert is a pumpkin pie. In CanadaPeople in Canada also celebrate Thanksgiving day but it falls on THE END
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving Day is one of the most

Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day is one of the most favorite holidays in the United States.

favorite holidays in the United States.

Слайд 3 Fourth Thursday
Every fourth Thursday of October American people

Fourth ThursdayEvery fourth Thursday of October American people celebrate this holiday. 

celebrate this holiday.


Слайд 4 Big family dinner
They usually stay at home and

Big family dinnerThey usually stay at home and have a big family dinner. 

have a big family dinner.

Слайд 5 This day
This day has a very important meaning

This dayThis day has a very important meaning in the history of America.

in the history of America.

Слайд 6 First Thanksgiving day
The first Thanksgiving day was celebrated

First Thanksgiving dayThe first Thanksgiving day was celebrated by pilgrims in

by pilgrims in autumn of 1621. They were European

travelers who sailed on “Mayflower” ship and tried to find the New World.

Слайд 7 Native American Indians
Before their arrival to America the

Native American IndiansBefore their arrival to America the country was inhabited by Native American Indians.

country was inhabited by Native American Indians.

Слайд 8 Difficult life
However, when they settled here, life was

Difficult lifeHowever, when they settled here, life was quite difficult. There

quite difficult. There was nothing to eat and nowhere

to live.

Слайд 9 First winter
First winter was especially difficult and many

First winterFirst winter was especially difficult and many people couldn’t survive without fresh food.

people couldn’t survive without fresh food.

Слайд 10 In spring
In spring Native Indians taught pilgrims how

In springIn spring Native Indians taught pilgrims how to survive in

to survive in America. They now could hunt, fish

and grow plants.

Слайд 11 In autumn
In the autumn of 1621 they had

In autumnIn the autumn of 1621 they had a wonderful harvest.

a wonderful harvest. To celebrate this occasion pilgrims decided

to have a Thanksgiving feast. It meant that they were very thankful for their food.

Слайд 12 During this holiday
During this holiday the tables were

During this holidayDuring this holiday the tables were full of fresh

full of fresh food: corn, beans, turkey, venison, pumpkin.

Слайд 13 Their Indian friends

Their Indian friends were also invited

Their Indian friendsTheir Indian friends were also invited to share the feast. 

to share the feast.


Слайд 14 Nowadays
Nowadays Americans continue celebrating this holiday and the

NowadaysNowadays Americans continue celebrating this holiday and the main dish is still turkey.

main dish is still turkey.

Слайд 15 Pumpkin pie
The most popular dessert is a pumpkin

Pumpkin pieThe most popular dessert is a pumpkin pie.


Слайд 16 In Canada
People in Canada also celebrate Thanksgiving day

In CanadaPeople in Canada also celebrate Thanksgiving day but it falls

but it falls on every second Thursday of October.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-thanksgiving.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 150
  • Количество скачиваний: 0