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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Famous People (5 класс)

famousFame So many people there are on the planet:Musicians and scientists, actors and Who is your favorite Russian celebrity? My favorite singer What are your associations with the word fame? Child prodigy harp Lyceum Child prodigy is a person under the age of ten who does Harp Foreign languages          countries st petersburg conservatory An advertising lithuania -Sasha Boldachev what is?What is Sasha Boldachev?-he born is Where?Where is he What can you do well?What job do you want to do when you leave school? The reward (награда) of fame and the price of fame.Actions speak louder than words.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 famous


Слайд 3 So many people there are on the planet:

So many people there are on the planet:Musicians and scientists, actors

and scientists, actors and bloggers.
D`you know any singers or

actors named Janet?
D`you know Michael Jackson or famous joggers?

D`you know Eminem, Donald Trump or P.Diddy?
They shine like a diamond in nowadays life
We see famous stars among even kiddies.
So listen to me if you wanna a “5”.

Слайд 4 Who is your favorite Russian celebrity?

Who is your favorite Russian celebrity?

Слайд 5 My favorite singer

My favorite singer       is…


musician actor actress football player architect

Слайд 6 What are your associations with the word fame?

What are your associations with the word fame?

Слайд 7 Child prodigy harp Lyceum

Child prodigy harp Lyceum      |lʌɪˈsiːəm| foreign

|lʌɪˈsiːəm| foreign laureate

|ˈlɒrɪət| conservatory |kənˈsəːvət(ə)ri| an advertising a designer lithuania [ lɪθəˈweɪnɪə ]

Слайд 8 Child prodigy is a person under the age

Child prodigy is a person under the age of ten who

of ten who does things like an adult expert


Слайд 9 Harp

Harp           lyceum


Слайд 10 Foreign languages

Foreign languages     countries



A foreigner

Слайд 11 st petersburg conservatory

st petersburg conservatory

Слайд 12 An advertising

An advertising       a designer advertisement

a designer advertisement

Слайд 13 lithuania


Слайд 14 -Sasha Boldachev what is?
What is Sasha Boldachev?
-he born

-Sasha Boldachev what is?What is Sasha Boldachev?-he born is Where?Where is

is Where?
Where is he born?
-begin When he does studying

When does he begin studying music?
-go on first his concert tour foreign does When
Sasha to Lithuania?
When does Sasha go to Lithuania on his first foreign concert tour?
-Sasha`s What mother is?
What is Sasha`s mother?
-music Does a lot of time Sasha`s take?
Does music take a lot of Sasha`a time?

Слайд 15 What can you do well?

What job do you

What can you do well?What job do you want to do when you leave school?

want to do when you leave school?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-famous-people-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 178
  • Количество скачиваний: 0