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Презентация на тему к внеклассному мероприятию на английском языке Экологические проблемы России

2017 has been declared the year of environmental protection in Russia.
Ecological Conference “Russian Environmental Problems” 2017 has been declared the year of environmental protection in Russia. International Environmental Organizations Greenpeace Worldwide Fund for Nature Green Cross International GreenpeaceOne of the most important pollution problems is in the oceans Many sea birds and animals die because of the polluted water Chemicals from factories contaminate the atmosphere. Pollution of water creates a problem of a water deficit. Worldwide Fund for NatureMillions of species have already disappeared from our planet; Green Cross International What is recycling? What can be recycled? Plastic recycling Paper recycling Computers and batteries Recycling loop
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 2017 has been declared the year of environmental

2017 has been declared the year of environmental protection in Russia.

protection in Russia.

Слайд 4 International Environmental Organizations

International Environmental Organizations

Слайд 5 Greenpeace


Слайд 6 Worldwide Fund for Nature

Worldwide Fund for Nature

Слайд 7 Green Cross International

Green Cross International

Слайд 10 Greenpeace
One of the most important pollution problems is

GreenpeaceOne of the most important pollution problems is in the oceans

in the oceans

Слайд 11 Many sea birds and animals die because of

Many sea birds and animals die because of the polluted water

the polluted water

Слайд 12 Chemicals from factories contaminate the atmosphere. Pollution of

Chemicals from factories contaminate the atmosphere. Pollution of water creates a problem of a water deficit.

water creates a problem of a water deficit.

Слайд 13 Worldwide Fund for Nature
Millions of species have already

Worldwide Fund for NatureMillions of species have already disappeared from our

disappeared from our planet; thousand of others will become

extinct tomorrow

Слайд 15 Green Cross International
What is recycling?

Green Cross International What is recycling?

Слайд 16 What can be recycled?

What can be recycled?

Слайд 17 Plastic recycling

Plastic recycling

Слайд 18 Paper recycling

Paper recycling

Слайд 19 Computers and batteries

Computers and batteries

Слайд 20 Recycling loop

Recycling loop

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-vneklassnomu-meropriyatiyu-na-angliyskom-yazyke-ekologicheskie-problemy-rossii.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 127
  • Количество скачиваний: 0