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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Где логика по теме: Дом

What’s it?
I round.  Найди общее. What’s it? It’s a toothbrush What’s it? It’s a clock What’s it? It’s a fridge What’s it? It’s a bath What’s it? It’s a mirror II round.  what's missing? what's missing? IIIround.  give it back! what is it give it back! what is it  I’m in the bedroom. I’m give it back! what is it  I’m often made of wood. give it back! what is it  I need electricity. I have give it back! what is it  I’m soft. I’m in the give it back! what is it  I’m in the living-room. You give it back! what is it  I am a room. I give it back! what is it  I stand on a table. I’m in the kitchen. I’m usually white. I’m cold. I
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What’s it?

What’s it?

Слайд 3 It’s a toothbrush

It’s a toothbrush

Слайд 4 What’s it?

What’s it?

Слайд 5 It’s a clock

It’s a clock

Слайд 6 What’s it?

What’s it?

Слайд 7 It’s a fridge

It’s a fridge

Слайд 8 What’s it?

What’s it?

Слайд 9 It’s a bath

It’s a bath

Слайд 10 What’s it?

What’s it?

Слайд 11 It’s a mirror

It’s a mirror

Слайд 12 II round. what's missing?

II round. what's missing?

Слайд 13 what's missing?

what's missing?

Слайд 19 IIIround. give it back! what is it

IIIround. give it back! what is it

Слайд 20 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I’m in the bedroom. I’m

in the bedroom. I’m soft. I have a mattress. You use me

at night. What am I?

Слайд 21 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I’m often made of wood.

often made of wood. I have four legs. You eat on

me. You put a cloth on me. What am I?

Слайд 22 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I need electricity. I have

need electricity. I have a screen. I can send e-mails. You can

play games on me. What am I?

Слайд 23 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I’m soft. I’m in the

soft. I’m in the living-room. You can relax on me. 3 or

4 people can sit on me. What am I?

Слайд 24 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I’m in the living-room. You

in the living-room. You can sit in me. I am soft. I

have arms. What am I?

Слайд 25 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I am a room. I

am a room. I have a sink. I have a stove. You

use me to cook. What am I?

Слайд 26 give it back! what is it

give it back! what is it I stand on a table.

stand on a table. Or hang on the wall. Or stand

on the floor. I give light. What am I?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-gde-logika-po-teme-dom.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 1