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Презентация на тему Our world presentation 8 grade in English

Criteria-based assessmentAssessment criteriaFormative AssessmentFeedbackReflectionPeer assessmentGive praising stickers for their work“Thumbs Up” “Thumbs down”What they did well… What needs improvement…1.Listen and understand essence of the text2.Speak correctly and do tasks
School: School-kindergarden named by Abay  Teacher: Zhansaya Yespolova  Theme: “Our world” Grade: 8 Criteria-based assessmentAssessment criteriaFormative AssessmentFeedbackReflectionPeer assessmentGive praising stickers for their work“Thumbs Up” “Thumbs Differentiation
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 4 Criteria-based assessment
Assessment criteria

Formative Assessment

Peer assessment
Give praising stickers for

Criteria-based assessmentAssessment criteriaFormative AssessmentFeedbackReflectionPeer assessmentGive praising stickers for their work“Thumbs Up”

their work

“Thumbs Up” “Thumbs down”
What they did well…

needs improvement…

1.Listen and understand essence of the text
2.Speak correctly and do tasks

Слайд 5 Differentiation


  • Имя файла: our-world-presentation-8-grade-in-english.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 216
  • Количество скачиваний: 2