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With friend you have a lot of fun.
A friend will never let you down.
You’ll tell your secrets to your friend,
And he will always understand.
A friend is always there for you,
And you can talk your problems through. And now the most important thing,
He’ll be with you through thick and thin.
But if your friend just wants some fun
And when you need him-lets you down
And doesn’t give a helping hand,
That is a fair-weather friend.
He’ll stand by you to the end –
And then you call that one your friend.
Friends, friends ! I have some friends, I love.
I share my games and share my toys
With all the girls and all the boys.
Friends, friends! I have some friends , I love.
Friends, friends! We always have a lot of fun
From early morning to set of sun.
Friends smile at you
They like your face.
They want to be with you at any place.
Friends have fun with you,
Friends share ,
They are glad when you are happy,
When you are sad ,they care
I can talk with a friend
and walk with a friend
I can play with a friend
and learn with a friend.