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Презентация на тему Қысқа мерзімді жоспар

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Мектеп туралы айту (Speaking about schools)
«Үздік сабақ әзірлемесі»   Атенова Гульжан Имангалиевна23.08.1984 жылӨ.Жолдасбеков атындағы №50 орта Сабақтың тақырыбы: Мектеп туралы айту (Speaking about schools) Phonetic drill     My SchoolI learn today to do Comparing the systems of educationin GB and Kazakhstan The new theme: Speaking about schoolsWords and phrasesWrite short essay about “My Canford school Tonbridge school 1. Harry started school ______ the age of five.2. They have a Work with picture School of my dream Thanks for your attentionOur lesson is over!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Сабақтың тақырыбы:
Мектеп туралы айту
(Speaking about schools)

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Мектеп туралы айту (Speaking about schools)

Слайд 3 Phonetic drill

My School

Phonetic drill   My SchoolI learn today to do my

learn today to do my best in reading math and

all the rest. I promise to obey the rules, in my class and in our school. I'll respect myself and others too, I'll expect the best in all I do, I am hear to learn all I can, To try my best and be all I.

Слайд 4 Comparing the systems of education
in GB and Kazakhstan

Comparing the systems of educationin GB and Kazakhstan

Слайд 5 The new theme: Speaking about schools

Words and phrases

The new theme: Speaking about schoolsWords and phrasesWrite short essay about

short essay about “My school day”.
good at – үлгерімім

жақсы interested in - қызықтырады
bad at – үлгерімім төмен bored with - жалықтырады

Literature, biology, chemistry, history, Mathematics, physics,
geography, computers, physical education, painting, languages

Слайд 6 Canford school

Canford school

Слайд 7 Tonbridge school

Tonbridge school

Слайд 8 1. Harry started school ______ the age of

1. Harry started school ______ the age of five.2. They have

2. They have a holiday _______ Christmas.
3. There is

a holiday ______ the summer, too.
4. The teachers _______ the school are very young.
5. Dan goes _____ a secondary school.
6. He’ll probably pass ____ good marks.
7. Betty is a teacher _____ English.
8. Her pupils are _____ 12 and 18.
9. She is very strict ______ them.

Слайд 9 Work with picture

Work with picture

Слайд 10 School
of my dream

School of my dream

  • Имя файла: Қysқa-merzіmdі-zhospar.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 230
  • Количество скачиваний: 0