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Презентация на тему Are you in your right mind? (New Millennium English 8, Unit 5, Lesson 2)

Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. Eerie- жуткий, зловещий, мрачный.[i ]e
Are you in your right mind?New Millennium English 8Unit 5 Lesson 2 Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. Eerie- жуткий, зловещий, мрачный.[i  ]e Nostril – ноздря Thumb – большой палецFold your hands – сложите рукиFill What are the halves of the brain called? What are their talents? What are the halves of the brain called? What are their talents? What are the halves of the brain called? What are their talents? Home taskW.b.p.32-33 ex.3,4 Thank you for your work!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly

Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear. Eerie- жуткий, зловещий, мрачный.[i ]e

eerie ear.

Eerie- жуткий, зловещий, мрачный.
[i ]

Слайд 3 Nostril – ноздря
Thumb – большой палец
Fold your

Nostril – ноздря Thumb – большой палецFold your hands – сложите

hands – сложите руки
Fill in the table for yourself.

L for left and R for right.

Слайд 4 What are the halves of the brain called? What

What are the halves of the brain called? What are their

are their talents? What are they responsible for? Can you

use only one part? P.70 ex. 2a

Слайд 5 What are the halves of the brain called? What

What are the halves of the brain called? What are their

are their talents? What are they responsible for? Can you

use only one part?






the rules

something new

Слайд 6 What are the halves of the brain called? What

What are the halves of the brain called? What are their

are their talents? What are they responsible for? Can you

use only one part?

Слайд 8 Home task
W.b.p.32-33 ex.3,4

Home taskW.b.p.32-33 ex.3,4

  • Имя файла: are-you-in-your-right-mind-new-millennium-english-8-unit-5-lesson-2.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 144
  • Количество скачиваний: 1