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Презентация на тему Своя Игра(food,drinks,verbs, grammar:do/does;don`t/doesn`t) 4-5 классы

What`s this?
What`s this? Can you spell? Put the letters into the correct orderwhsicdan Make up a sentence What`s this? How do you spell? Pig in a poke Answer the questionDo you Answer the questionDo you Make up a sentence use do/don`t + members of your family Answer the questionDo you like apple juice? Order the questionChips/friend/does/your/like? Make up question, use Do/does Order the question and answerthey/Sundays/do/tennis/on/play? What verb is it? Complete the sentence and answerDoes your sister … in an office? Pig in a poke Order the sentenceRestaurant/ work/ they/in/a Make up a sentence, including 3 verbsLive   Eat
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What`s this?

What`s this?

Слайд 3 Can you spell?

Can you spell?

Слайд 4 Put the letters into the correct order


Put the letters into the correct orderwhsicdan

Слайд 5 Make up a sentence

Make up a sentence

Слайд 6 What`s this?

What`s this?

Слайд 7 How do you spell?

How do you spell?

Слайд 8 Pig in a poke

Pig in a poke

Слайд 9 Answer the question

Do you

Answer the questionDo you           ???


Слайд 10 Answer the question

Do you

Answer the questionDo you           ???


Слайд 11 Make up a sentence use do/don`t + members of

Make up a sentence use do/don`t + members of your family

your family

Слайд 12 Answer the question

Do you like apple juice?

Answer the questionDo you like apple juice?

Слайд 13 Order the question


Order the questionChips/friend/does/your/like?

Слайд 14 Make up question, use Do/does

Make up question, use Do/does

Слайд 15 Order the question and answer


Order the question and answerthey/Sundays/do/tennis/on/play?

Слайд 16 What verb is it?

What verb is it?

Слайд 17 Complete the sentence and answer

Does your sister …

Complete the sentence and answerDoes your sister … in an office?

in an office?

Слайд 18 Pig in a poke

Pig in a poke

Слайд 19 Order the sentence

Restaurant/ work/ they/in/a

Order the sentenceRestaurant/ work/ they/in/a

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-svoya-igrafooddrinksverbs-grammardodoesdontdoesnt-4-5-klassy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0