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Презентация на тему по английскому языке на тему : Путешествие ( 10 класс)

Explain the words in English1)a delayed flight2)a carriage3) to feel airsick4) to travel light5)an arrival board6) to set out on a trip7) a non-smoker8) the staff of the ship9)a pass card10) a guard
Welcome to a magic maze Explain the words in English1)a delayed flight2)a carriage3) to feel airsick4) to Complete the sentences with suitable words1) Last year we had a long Guess the wordsSeitsucaEndekweDahoysliLingveltraNeyurjoRetaurepdOceteliner cittekNaseidontitOatrpmlf Crossword puzzleПо горизонтали 4. A country where people speak Spanish 7. Riding Complete the dialogue and act outA:…B: Certainly . We usually have some
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Explain the words in English
1)a delayed flight
2)a carriage

Explain the words in English1)a delayed flight2)a carriage3) to feel airsick4)

to feel airsick
4) to travel light
5)an arrival board
6) to

set out on a trip
7) a non-smoker
8) the staff of the ship
9)a pass card
10) a guard

Слайд 3 Complete the sentences with suitable words
1) Last year

Complete the sentences with suitable words1) Last year we had a

we had a long …..to Paris
2) If a person

goes abroad, he has to go through the.....
3) At the airport you can leave your luggage at the…..
4) The young soldiers felt …..during the second World War
5) People usually get travel tickets at the.....
6) The ….was helping us on the board of plane.
7) You make a voyage if you travel by...
8) People can buy goods in a ….at a cheaper price at the airport

Слайд 4 Guess the words
Oceteliner cittek

Guess the wordsSeitsucaEndekweDahoysliLingveltraNeyurjoRetaurepdOceteliner cittekNaseidontitOatrpmlf

Слайд 5 Crossword puzzle
По горизонтали
4. A country where people

Crossword puzzleПо горизонтали 4. A country where people speak Spanish 7.

speak Spanish 7. Riding on the wave 10. Science…

12. On another tour
14. An animal that eats bamboo shoots 15. Fast transport
По вертикали
1. The room on the ship
2. There convene sailors
3. When people travel or foot
5. Highest animal 6. There is a plane and a train
8. It is constantly changing 9. Beach sport

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyke-na-temu-puteshestvie-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0