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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Pros and cons of mobile phones

What do you use mobile phones for?in emergenciesto organizea partyforentertainmentsurf the internetcall friendslisten tomusicplay games
Pros and Cons of Mobile Phones What do you use mobile phones for?in emergenciesto organizea partyforentertainmentsurf the internetcall friendslisten tomusicplay games Useful phrasesI think that…….I don’t see the real need to…….I don’t worry Arguments “for” and “against” using mobile phonesFill in the mind-mapadvantagesdisadvantages Present Simplefor permanent states, daily routines;for general truths and laws of nature;for ExamplesHe takes the train to work every day.The sun sets in the Put the verbs into Present Continuous or Present Simple.1. Don't put your
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What do you use mobile phones for?
in emergencies

What do you use mobile phones for?in emergenciesto organizea partyforentertainmentsurf the internetcall friendslisten tomusicplay games

a party
surf the
call friends
listen to
play games

Слайд 3 Useful phrases
I think that…….
I don’t see the real

Useful phrasesI think that…….I don’t see the real need to…….I don’t

need to…….
I don’t worry that…..
I find it …….
I am

I personally believe……..
My view is ……..
In my opinion……

Слайд 4 Arguments “for” and “against” using mobile phones
Fill in

Arguments “for” and “against” using mobile phonesFill in the mind-mapadvantagesdisadvantages

the mind-map

Слайд 5 Present Simple
for permanent states, daily routines;
for general truths

Present Simplefor permanent states, daily routines;for general truths and laws of

and laws of nature;
for timetables and programmes;
for sports commentaries,

reviews and narration;
to give instructions or directions

The Present Simple is used with the following time expressions: usually, often, always, every day/week/month/year, every morning/afternoon/evening, at night, at the weekend, on Mondays, etc.

Слайд 6 Examples
He takes the train to work every day.

ExamplesHe takes the train to work every day.The sun sets in

sun sets in the west.
The train from Brussels arrives

at 8:30.
Peterson overtakes Williams and wins the race.
You sprinkle some cheese on the pizza and then you bake it.

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  • Количество скачиваний: 4