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Презентация на тему к уроку Проблемы современного общества по английскому языку (10 класс)

ЧЕЛОВЕК, передвигающийся на коляскеЧЕЛОВЕК без ограничений в здоровьеЧЕЛОВЕК не слышащийЧЕЛОВЕКнезрячий или слабовидящий
ЧЕЛОВЕК, передвигающийся на коляскеЧЕЛОВЕК без ограничений в здоровьеЧЕЛОВЕК не слышащийЧЕЛОВЕКнезрячий или слабовидящий WHEELCHAIR MANHEALTHY MANDEAF MAN BLIND MAN A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with Only in 1915 it became a term to describe the disabled, when William Saroyan (31 August 1908 - 18 May 1981) was an Armenian-American A legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev - the hero of the Great Patriotic Do you know that…Dr. Ludwig Guttmann of Stoke Mandeville Hospital organized a Sportswoman from Syktyvkar - Maria Iovleva, won in Vancouver 3 medals. Maria Four-time champion of the Winter Paralympic Games in 2010 in Vancouver.Gold -1 Believe in yourself and you win! - with these words Valentine Dikul ЭйнштейнБеллЭдисонРузвельт ФранклинДж. ВашингтонГойяХелен КеллерБетани Гамильтон
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 ЧЕЛОВЕК, передвигающийся на коляске
ЧЕЛОВЕК без ограничений в здоровье

ЧЕЛОВЕК, передвигающийся на коляскеЧЕЛОВЕК без ограничений в здоровьеЧЕЛОВЕК не слышащийЧЕЛОВЕКнезрячий или слабовидящий

не слышащий
незрячий или слабовидящий




Слайд 5 A disabled person is a person who has

A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder

a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body

functions due to illness, the effects of injuries or defects, leading to restriction of livelihoods, and causing the need for its social protection.

Слайд 6 Only in 1915 it became a term to

Only in 1915 it became a term to describe the disabled,

describe the disabled, when it was used to describe

crippled children.

Слайд 9 William Saroyan (31 August 1908 - 18 May

William Saroyan (31 August 1908 - 18 May 1981) was an

1981) was an Armenian-American dramatist and author. Saroyan published

essays and memoirs, in which he depicted the people he had met travelling in the Soviet Union and Europe,

such as the playwright George Bernard Shaw, the Finnish composer Jean Sibelious, and Charlie Chaplin. In 1952, Saroyan published The Bicycle Rider in Beverly Hills, the first of several volumes of memoirs.

Слайд 12 A legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev - the hero

A legendary pilot Alexei Maresyev - the hero of the Great

of the Great Patriotic War. His plane was shot

down and wounded airman 18 days (in winter!) crawled to people.

His frostbitten feet were amputated, but he was not discouraged and soon was able to not only walk but to dance and even fly with prosthesis. A book was written by Boris Polevoi “The Story of a Real Man” and a film was staged.

Слайд 14 Do you know that…
Dr. Ludwig Guttmann of Stoke

Do you know that…Dr. Ludwig Guttmann of Stoke Mandeville Hospital organized

Mandeville Hospital organized a sports competition for British World

War Two veteran patients with spinal cord injuries on the opening day of Summer Olympics in London in 1948.

The games were held again at the same location in 1952 and Dutch veterans took part alongside the British, making it the first international competition.

The first official Paralympic Games were held in Rome in 1960

Слайд 15 Sportswoman from Syktyvkar - Maria Iovleva, won in

Sportswoman from Syktyvkar - Maria Iovleva, won in Vancouver 3 medals.

Vancouver 3 medals.
Maria V. is a member of

Biathlon team.

Слайд 16 Four-time champion of the Winter Paralympic Games in

Four-time champion of the Winter Paralympic Games in 2010 in Vancouver.Gold

2010 in Vancouver.
Gold -1 place (biathlon, 2,4 km ind.

Gold -1 place (ski race, 15 km.)
Gold -1 place (biathlon, 12.5 km.)
Gold -1 place (ski race, 10 km .)
Silver -2 position (ski race, 1 km.

Слайд 19 Believe in yourself and you win! - with

Believe in yourself and you win! - with these words Valentine

these words Valentine Dikul a doctor, Academician of Medical

Sciences begins his work with every seriously ill patient.

Dikul not only survived, but got to his feet, invented and tested his own method of rehabilitation, and later opened a clinic. Over the years Dikul’s clinic re-learned to walk more than 11 thousand people, wheelchair-bound.

This famous doctor was formerly a circus artist: raised a car, wore alive horse on stage. But once during the performance he fell down from a height and injured his spine. It was thought that he could live only a month.

Слайд 20 Эйнштейн
Рузвельт Франклин
Дж. Вашингтон
Хелен Келлер
Бетани Гамильтон

ЭйнштейнБеллЭдисонРузвельт ФранклинДж. ВашингтонГойяХелен КеллерБетани Гамильтон

Слайд 21 "The images in my mind's eye became clearer

as my sight diminished. Now, by hearing or experiencing something,

I can picture it in my head and paint it." Lisa Fittipaldi             

Viewers are captivated by Lisa Fittipaldi’s lively, colorful canvases.    She cannot see color or distance, dimension or print.  A blind painter?  Until they see her work for themselves, people think it’s impossible.  Clearly Lisa Fittipaldi is doing something quite extraordinary, seemingly beyond the normal range of human capability.  It appears that she is the world’s only profoundly blind realist painter.  Since 1997, her complex scenes of diverse cultures and everyday life have been exhibited in museums and galleries around the world.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-problemy-sovremennogo-obshchestva-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-10-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 146
  • Количество скачиваний: 1