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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Wonderful water

water for life
The blue planet  Александрова А.А учитель английского языка water for life Water plays a huge role in nature. Any planet hasn’t such quantity Water is a mineral, the most authentic and amazing. It’s alive, flowing H2O - is one of the most common and most important compounds Aggregate states of water: solid, liquid and gaseous. There is no product which hasn’t got water. Water is consumed to Water is liquid without smell taste and color.  Water is necessary Home task Источник:  - О.Б. Дворецкая «Английский язык нового тысячелетия» 8 кл.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 water for

water for life

Слайд 3 Water plays a huge role in nature. Any

Water plays a huge role in nature. Any planet hasn’t such

planet hasn’t such quantity of water. Water is everywhere. And

It's all around and inside us: in the rain and snow, in ice and water pipes, rivers and lakes, oceans and seas, drinks, and food. Water makes the face of our planet. All life on our planet is born of water and cannot exist without it. We are children of water.

Слайд 4 Water is a mineral, the most authentic and

Water is a mineral, the most authentic and amazing. It’s alive,

amazing. It’s alive, flowing in rivers and oceans, ferry

is committed to the cloud, then the ice freezes in cold. Water in nature has two cycles:
Great circle – from the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes, the water evaporates into the atmosphere, condenses in clouds and falls to earth the rain and the rivers back to the ocean.
And small circle – plants soak up water from the ground, with greens and fruit water is in the human body and animals, thence back again with secretions and breathing in the air and in the ground. Because of this cycle of animals, plants and people can live on land and still be aquatic creatures, as water is the basic environment of any living organism.

Слайд 6 H2O - is one of the most common

H2O - is one of the most common and most important

and most important compounds on the Earth. Nearly three-quarters

of earth is covered by water. In nature the water covers ridges and peaks of mountains, forms the Arctic and Antarctic ice caps of the planet. The continents are cut by rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs and ponds. Most of the water is concentrated in the seas and oceans, the second largest water mass is underground water, ice and snow.

Слайд 10 Aggregate states of water: solid, liquid and gaseous.

Aggregate states of water: solid, liquid and gaseous.

Слайд 11 There is no product which hasn’t got water. Water

There is no product which hasn’t got water. Water is consumed

is consumed to dissolve nutrients and transport them throughout

the body with the blood, and it’s also used to regulate body temperature. Water makes up 80% of the mass of cells.

Слайд 12 Water is liquid without smell taste and color.

Water is liquid without smell taste and color. Water is necessary

Water is necessary for all areas of the economy.

It is impossible to imagine the life of the person without water . People use it for different needs. Person uses 300 liters  per day. With the huge amount of fresh water in the world is felt its biggest drawback. The main reason for the lack of fresh water is pollution

Слайд 13 Home task

Home task

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-wonderful-water.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 1