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Презентация на тему Проектно-исследовательская работа по английскому языку А.П.Чехов-драматург

Aim:To make up educational-research project for school children from 11 to 15 years.Problems:Make acquaintance with A.P.Chechov as a playwrightTo tell how and why two lines of life tie in one: line of Chechov and line of
Educational-researchprojectAnton Pavlovich Chekhov as playwright Aim:To make up educational-research project for school children from 11 to 15 Project may be used for groupstudyAlso it may be used for individual Go to the test Go to the project Playwright Let be on the scene all will be as difficult but at «Theater gave me a lot of good…Before I had nothing more desirable «It’s demanded that heroes are to be stagey effective. But in real Chekhov is a great democrat and humanist audacious novator who created “ In Chekhov’s plays not only the emotional states of heroes are important Chekhov very skillfully avoids monotonous in mood. He does it with a The most valuable history pages of Taganrog’s theatre is connected with the Chekhov played a great role on the development of theatrical art in Years are passing all changed but the only thing is invariable: Chekhov Chekhov equally has outward and inward truth on stage. He defines and In the center of Chekhov’s views lays the disgusting to the subject The chapter of Chekhov is not finished yet , it is not http://russkay-literatura.ru/analiz-tvorchestva/63-chehov-a-p-russkaya-literatura/366-chexov-kak-dramaturg-novator.htmlhttp://www.taglib.ru/chekhov-na-scene-taganroga.htmlThe work was made by 9»А» form Lopachova SvetaShpaschenko GrishaTeacher:Masalitina E. S.вернуться How many years was Chekhov when he first came to the theatre? What is the value of Chekhov’s playwright? (Он создает новую драму, отражающую What is Chekhov’s slogan? (На сцене всё должно быть так же просто,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Aim:
To make up educational-research project for school children

Aim:To make up educational-research project for school children from 11 to

from 11 to 15 years.
Make acquaintance with A.P.Chechov as

a playwright
To tell how and why two lines of life tie in one: line of Chechov and line of theatrical art.
Make acquaintance with a list of some plays which were put on the Taganrog’s stage.

Слайд 3 Project may be used for group
Also it may

Project may be used for groupstudyAlso it may be used for

be used for individual study
You may get acquainted with

a plot of work after reading the project

Слайд 4 Go to the test
Go to the project

Go to the test Go to the project

Слайд 5 Playwright


Слайд 6 Let be on the scene all will be

Let be on the scene all will be as difficult but

as difficult but at the same time as simple

as in life. People have dinner only have dinner but at the same time their happiness is decided and their lives are ruined.

Слайд 7 «Theater gave me a lot of good…Before I

«Theater gave me a lot of good…Before I had nothing more

had nothing more desirable as to sit in the


Слайд 8 «It’s demanded that heroes are to be stagey

«It’s demanded that heroes are to be stagey effective. But in

effective. But in real life not every minute somebody

shoot, hang, says about his love. And not every minute somebody says something clever. People eat, drink, say stupid things more often. It is necessary to create such play where people can come, leave, have dinner, talk about the weather because it is in real life. It is important that life will be such as it is and people such as they are in real life ».

Слайд 9 Chekhov is a great democrat and humanist audacious

Chekhov is a great democrat and humanist audacious novator who created

novator who created “ new kind of drama art

“ as Gorki said.

Слайд 10 In Chekhov’s plays not only the emotional states

In Chekhov’s plays not only the emotional states of heroes are

of heroes are important but also the whole ensemble

of stage means which spectators see on the stage. Author uses every detail, increasing emotional state of the play .

«Who creates new ends of plays, who creates new era. Heroes get married or shoot there is no way out !!!»

Слайд 11 Chekhov very skillfully avoids monotonous in mood. He

Chekhov very skillfully avoids monotonous in mood. He does it with

does it with a help of mixing drama and

comedy elements in the plays. Such building of plays is aimed to show the ordinary life for which is important the changes of very different moods.

«Subject must be new and the plot is absent».

Слайд 12 The most valuable history pages of Taganrog’s theatre

The most valuable history pages of Taganrog’s theatre is connected with

is connected with the name of A.P. Chekhov who

visited it in his school years. And it is a question will somebody know a great playwright if there is no theatre in Taganrog.

Слайд 13 Chekhov played a great role on the development

Chekhov played a great role on the development of theatrical art

of theatrical art in Taganrog. His plays became a

new wave in theatrical art. Value of Chekhov as a playwright is that he created a new drama which showed needs of it’s time came away of principles of classical drama and showed psychological experience of heroes. His playwright subdued theatrical stage almost in all countries of the world .

Слайд 20 Years are passing all changed but the only

Years are passing all changed but the only thing is invariable:

thing is invariable: Chekhov is here on his Motherland,

in the theatre where he opened the wonderful world of stage and he stays the most desirable author.

Слайд 21 Chekhov equally has outward and inward truth on

Chekhov equally has outward and inward truth on stage. He defines

stage. He defines and deeps our knowledge about life

of things , sounds , lights on stage which in theatre play a great role on human’s soul

Слайд 22 In the center of Chekhov’s views lays the

In the center of Chekhov’s views lays the disgusting to the

disgusting to the subject of arts, theatrical and effects

of old theater. On the stage everything must be as simple as in life.

Слайд 23 The chapter of Chekhov is not finished yet

The chapter of Chekhov is not finished yet , it is

, it is not read properly , it is

not understand deeply .Let it will be opened again studied up to the end.

Слайд 25 http://russkay-literatura.ru/analiz-tvorchestva/63-chehov-a-p-russkaya-literatura/366-chexov-kak-dramaturg-novator.html

The work was made by 9»А» form

http://russkay-literatura.ru/analiz-tvorchestva/63-chehov-a-p-russkaya-literatura/366-chexov-kak-dramaturg-novator.htmlhttp://www.taglib.ru/chekhov-na-scene-taganroga.htmlThe work was made by 9»А» form Lopachova SvetaShpaschenko GrishaTeacher:Masalitina E. S.вернуться

Shpaschenko Grisha

Masalitina E. S.


Слайд 26 How many years was Chekhov when he first

How many years was Chekhov when he first came to the

came to the theatre?

(13 лет)
What was the name

of the first play which young Chekhov saw?

(Жак Оффенбах «Прекрасная Елена»)

Finish the sentence:Chekhov in his first plays behaved as …


Who said , that Chekhov created «new kind of drama art »?

(М. Горький)

What was the attitude to the play “Sea-gull” in Taganrog?

(Вашу «Чайку» играли в Таганроге очень хорошо и с большим успехом)

Слайд 27 What is the value of Chekhov’s playwright?


What is the value of Chekhov’s playwright? (Он создает новую драму,

создает новую драму, отражающую потребности своего времени, отходит от

принципов классической драмы и показывает психологические переживания героев)

About what plays of Chekhov were spoken in the project?

(«Дядя Ваня», «Свадьба», «Вишневый сад», «Три сестры», «На большой дороге», «Душечка», «Черный монах», «Каштанка», «Скрипка Ротшильда»)

Who wrote about Chekhov: «Chekhov equally has outward and inward truth on stage. He defines and deeps our knowledge about life of things , sounds , lights on stage which in theatre play a great role on human’s soul»

(К. С. Станиславский)

  • Имя файла: proektno-issledovatelskaya-rabota-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-apchehov-dramaturg.pptx
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