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Презентация на тему Еда

Do you eat this food?
health food Do you eat this food? You will have a stomchache Eat health food!!! Preserving and dyes (консерванты и красители) And you will look so! aromatizers… Do you eat fast food? If so you will be in a hospitel! Danger! Poins!!! This a way to loose your health. Is this you way? Is it in fashion now? And what is then?.. Do you often chew it? So you will be here. Eat right food!!! Health food… …promote your health lifestyle! Be healthy!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Do you eat this food?

Do you eat this food?

Слайд 3 You will have a stomchache

You will have a stomchache

Слайд 5 Eat health food!!!

Eat health food!!!

Слайд 7 Preserving and dyes (консерванты и красители)

Preserving and dyes (консерванты и красители)

Слайд 8 And you will look so!

And you will look so!

Слайд 9 aromatizers…


Слайд 10 Do you eat fast food?

Do you eat fast food?

Слайд 11 If so you will be in a hospitel!

If so you will be in a hospitel!

Слайд 13 Danger! Poins!!!

Danger! Poins!!!

Слайд 15 This a way to loose your health. Is

This a way to loose your health. Is this you way?

this you way?

Слайд 16 Is it in fashion now?

Is it in fashion now?

Слайд 17 And what is then?..

And what is then?..

Слайд 18 Do you often chew it?

Do you often chew it?

Слайд 19 So you will be here.

So you will be here.

Слайд 20 Eat right food!!!

Eat right food!!!

Слайд 23 Health food…

Health food…

Слайд 24 …promote your health lifestyle!

…promote your health lifestyle!

  • Имя файла: eda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 123
  • Количество скачиваний: 0