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Презентация на тему по английскому языку История изобретения автомобиля

The first known drawings of the vehicle are owned by Leonardo da Vinci, but there is no information about the existence of the current instance these days. In 2004, experts from the Museum of the History
The history of invention of the automobile. The first known drawings of the vehicle are owned by Leonardo da In 1769, French inventor Kyuno tested the first sample of the machine In 1791, the Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin was made There were isolated cases of building cars as luxury items. For example, Cars in Russia.Mass motorization in contemporary Russia started relatively late - in The most important trends in the global automotive industry in the beginning Now has changed and the types of bodies. Today, the market is With the escalating costs on gas future car moves toward energy conservation,
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The first known drawings of the vehicle are

The first known drawings of the vehicle are owned by Leonardo

owned by Leonardo da Vinci, but there is no

information about the existence of the current instance these days. In 2004, experts from the Museum of the History of Science in Florence, were able to restore the drawings this car, thus proving the correctness of the idea of ​​Leonardo. During the Renaissance and later 'self-propelled' carts and wagons were built in the same quantities to participate in masquerades and parades in several European countries.

Слайд 3 In 1769, French inventor Kyuno tested the first

In 1769, French inventor Kyuno tested the first sample of the

sample of the machine with a steam engine. In

the XIX century, steam-powered coaches and rutery (steam tractors, that is trackless locomotives) for ordinary roads were built in England, France and used in several European countries, including Russia, but they were heavy and uncomfortable voracious, so not widely .

Слайд 4 In 1791, the Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin was

In 1791, the Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin was made

made "self-propelled carriage."

Слайд 5 There were isolated cases of building cars as

There were isolated cases of building cars as luxury items. For

luxury items. For example, in the history came La

Marquise (official name - De Dion-Bouton et Trepardoux), built in 1884 and has worked on a steam-powered.
In 1885, a German inventor Gottlieb Daimler, and in 1886 his compatriot Karl Benz produced and patented the first self-propelled carriages with gasoline engines. The automotive industry was born in the last decade of the XIX century in Germany, France and England.
   Major contribution to the widespread road transport introduced American inventor and industrialist Henry Ford, from 1913 to infiltrate a conveyor system assembly of automobiles.

Слайд 6 Cars in Russia.
Mass motorization in contemporary Russia started

Cars in Russia.Mass motorization in contemporary Russia started relatively late -

relatively late - in 1932.
In the mid-1950s, produced

and exported the Moskvich-402 and "Volga".
After 1945, the Soviet Union became the world's largest producer of cars and trucks. But since the mid-1970s, the domestic auto industry gradually began to slip into a state of crisis, which is up to date.

Слайд 7 The most important trends in the global automotive

The most important trends in the global automotive industry in the

industry in the beginning of the XXI century is

the attention to improved environmental and economic engines, the development of hybrid systems, enhance security, improve traction properties (all-wheel drive, electronic driving aid), "intellectualization" of the car. Widely distributed and front-wheel drive. In the modern era of fast growing as fuel efficiency and engine power.

Слайд 8 Now has changed and the types of bodies.

Now has changed and the types of bodies. Today, the market

Today, the market is dominated by three types of

body: hatchback, minivan and SUV. All three types were originally created as a practical body, but turned into a modern powerful luxury crossover SUV and sports wagon. The growing popularity of utility vehicles (pickup trucks) in the U.S. has changed the face of the cars around the world. Today, these "trucks" occupy more than half of the world automotive market.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-istoriya-izobreteniya-avtomobilya.pptx
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  • Количество скачиваний: 59