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Презентация на тему к уроку английского языка по теме Shopping For Everything презентация к уроку по иностранному языку (4 класс)

One Busy Housewife One busy housewife to sweep up the floor,Two busy housewives to polish the door,Three busy housewives to wash all the socks,Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks,Five busy housewives to cook dinner
Shopping For Everithing One Busy Housewife One busy housewife to sweep up the floor,Two busy 1)	[e] - bread, egg, lemonade, breakfast2)	[ae] - jam, salad, hamburger, cabbage3)	[i] -fFish, Alice and Daniel Betsy and John I’d like to buy... 1)-	Can I help you?-	Can you show me the jacket, please?-	Here you 2) — Can I help you?— Yes, please. Show me the jacket, RiddlesIt is tasty, it is white and brown.It can be square, oval and round. They are coloured and sweet like honey. I like to buy them. It is tasty, cold and white.We can lick it like an ice. It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.And we like with itdrinking tea. PackagesA loaf ofA jar ofA glass ofA bar ofA packet of A Some, any, no1)1. There is ... water in the glass. 2) 1. Can I have some bread?2. There is some coke in 3)  1.Is there any coffee? No, there isn’t any coffee, but
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 One Busy Housewife
One busy housewife to sweep

One Busy Housewife One busy housewife to sweep up the floor,Two

up the floor,
Two busy housewives to polish the door,

busy housewives to wash all the socks,
Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks,
Five busy housewives to cook dinner too,
Six busy housewives with nothing left to do.

Слайд 3 1) [e] - bread, egg, lemonade, breakfast
2) [ae] - jam,

1)	[e] - bread, egg, lemonade, breakfast2)	[ae] - jam, salad, hamburger, cabbage3)	[i]

salad, hamburger, cabbage
3) [i] -fFish, milk
4) [i:] - sweet, cream, cheese,

5) [^] - butter, honey, supper, mushroom,nuts

Слайд 4 Alice and Daniel

Alice and Daniel

Слайд 5 Betsy and John

Betsy and John

Слайд 6
I’d like to buy...

I’d like to buy...

Here is money.
How much is it? What can I do for you?
How much are they? Can I help you?
Can I have…? That will be 50 roubles.
Here you are. Here is 10 roubles change.
Anything else? Does it suit me?

Слайд 7 1)
- Can I help you?
- Can you show me

1)-	Can I help you?-	Can you show me the jacket, please?-	Here

the jacket, please?
- Here you are.
- Great! It’s nice and warm.
- Good.

Anything else?
- No, thank you. That’s all.

Слайд 8 2) — Can I help you?
— Yes, please.

2) — Can I help you?— Yes, please. Show me the

Show me the jacket, please.— What colour would you

—I’d like blue. — What about this one?
— It’s just what I wanted. May I try it on?
— Yes, please… How is it?
— It’s nice. How much is it?
—Six hundred rubles.
— I’ll take it.
— Here you are.
— Thank you.

Слайд 9 Riddles
It is tasty, it is white and brown.

RiddlesIt is tasty, it is white and brown.It can be square, oval and round.

can be square, oval and round.

Слайд 10 They are coloured and sweet like honey.

They are coloured and sweet like honey. I like to buy them.

like to buy them.

Слайд 11 It is tasty, cold and white.
We can lick

It is tasty, cold and white.We can lick it like an ice.

it like an ice.

Слайд 12 It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.

It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.And we like with itdrinking tea.

we like with it
drinking tea.

Слайд 13 Packages
A loaf of
A jar of
A glass of
A bar

PackagesA loaf ofA jar ofA glass ofA bar ofA packet of

A packet of
A carton of
A bottle of

tin of

Mineral water

Слайд 14 Some, any, no
1)1. There is ... water in

Some, any, no1)1. There is ... water in the glass.

the glass.
2. There aren’t ... vegetables

on the plate. 3. Can I have ... orange juice?
4. Are there ... sweets in the bag? – No, there are..
5. Would you like ... coffee?
6. There isn’t… soup in the fridge.
7. Don’t give me ...juice.

Слайд 15 2)
1. Can I have some bread?
2. There

2) 1. Can I have some bread?2. There is some coke

is some coke in the fridge.
3. Do we need

any jam?
4. Let’s buy two … of chocolate.
5. Can I buy some chips?
6. This… of sweets is a good present .
7. Biscuits in this… are very good.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-angliyskogo-yazyka-po-teme-shopping-for-everything-prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 1