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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему школа

Актуальность исследованияПоказать целостное представление о том, какая должна быть школа, по мнению учащихся.Показать значимость проблемы введения школьной формы, правил поведения, прав и обязанностей в школе.Привлечь интерес окружающих к проблемам школы.
Актуальность исследованияПоказать целостное представление о том, какая должна быть школа, по мнению Цели и задачи проектаЦель проекта: создание дидактического материала с целью оказания помощи I would like to change something in my schoolThe schoolof my There are new modern chairs and desks. Students have gottheir own computers on their desks. There is a sport centre with good swimming pool There is a big green park around the school. There students spend a lot of time together. They help each other. The school library is very rich in new interesting books. There is a nice and tasty food. I think students need more The next step is holidaysSummer holidays are long enough but I would School uniform is an inseparable part of school life in many countries when children wear a school uniform, they understand that they are at The disadvantages of school uniform include the lost of individuality. Everyone becomes Rules for Teachers  правила для учителейteachers must know their subject very Rules for students правила для учащихся pupils must respect teacherspupils should address Результаты опросов   The Results of Public Opinion Poll Результаты опросов   The Results of Public Opinion Poll
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Актуальность исследования
Показать целостное представление о том, какая должна

Актуальность исследованияПоказать целостное представление о том, какая должна быть школа, по

быть школа, по мнению учащихся.
Показать значимость проблемы введения школьной

формы, правил поведения, прав и обязанностей в школе.
Привлечь интерес окружающих к проблемам школы.

Слайд 3 Цели и задачи проекта
Цель проекта: создание дидактического материала

Цели и задачи проектаЦель проекта: создание дидактического материала с целью оказания

с целью оказания помощи учащимся 7 класса при закреплении

темы “Проблемы подростков в школе”.
Задачи проекта:
Развивать умения и навыки самостоятельного поиска информации по данной теме в различных источниках, вычленять необходимый материал из большого информационного поля, уметь правильно и эстетично оформлять результаты своей деятельности в виде презентации;
Провести опрос среди учащихся, родителей, исследовать уровень знаний и мнения о школе, школьной форме и правил для учителей и учащихся
Развивать творческие способности и коммуникабельность учащихся.

Слайд 4 I would like to change something in

I would like to change something in my schoolThe schoolof

my school
The school
of my dream is a

big, beautiful
with wide and
light corridors.

Слайд 5 There are new modern chairs and desks.

There are new modern chairs and desks. Students have gottheir own computers on their desks.

have got
their own
on their desks.

Слайд 6 There is a sport centre with good swimming

There is a sport centre with good swimming pool


Слайд 7 There is a big green park around the

There is a big green park around the school.


Слайд 8 There students spend a lot of time together.

There students spend a lot of time together. They help each

They help each other. The school life is very

interesting. Students often go for walks, on excursions, to museums, cinema and theatres.

Слайд 9 The school library is very rich in new

The school library is very rich in new interesting books.

interesting books.

Слайд 10 There is a nice and tasty food. I

There is a nice and tasty food. I think students need

think students need more salads, fruits and vegetables.

Слайд 11 The next step is holidays
Summer holidays
are long

The next step is holidaysSummer holidays are long enough but I

enough but I would
make autumn,
winter and

longer to let pupils
to spend more time
in different
or to travel

Слайд 12 School uniform is an inseparable part of school

School uniform is an inseparable part of school life in many countries

life in many countries

Слайд 13 when children wear a school uniform, they understand

when children wear a school uniform, they understand that they are

that they are at school. It adjusts them to

school atmosphere and helps to study harder.

Слайд 14 The disadvantages of school uniform include the lost

The disadvantages of school uniform include the lost of individuality. Everyone

of individuality. Everyone becomes alike and children look similar.

Слайд 15 Rules for Teachers правила для учителей
teachers must know

Rules for Teachers правила для учителейteachers must know their subject very

their subject very well
teachers must not give a lot

of homework
teachers must respect their pupils
teachers must be rather close to their pupils
teachers have to help pupils
teachers must not scrеam at the top of their voices

Слайд 16 Rules for students правила для учащихся
pupils must respect teachers

Rules for students правила для учащихся pupils must respect teacherspupils should

should address a teacher by title and surname
pupils must

do their homework
pupils must wear school uniform
pupils have to keep good discipline
pupils must not use mobile telephones on lesson
pupils must not talk with each other at a lesson
pupils must go to school if they are not ill
pupils mustn't fight with each other
pupils are not allowed to: have pocket knives at school, have cigarettes or matches at school, bring bubble gum to school

Слайд 17 Результаты опросов   The Results of Public Opinion Poll

Результаты опросов   The Results of Public Opinion Poll

Слайд 18 Результаты опросов   The Results of Public Opinion Poll

Результаты опросов   The Results of Public Opinion Poll

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-shkola.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 117
  • Количество скачиваний: 0