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Презентация на тему A British Tradition

 The English say that it is easier to imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea .
A British Tradition In England there are many traditions. One of them  The English say that it is easier to imagine Britain without the Tea in England is not just drinking tea. It is a special Appearance of tea in England Tea was brought to England in the Tea was an elite drink for the rich aristocracy and was kept It is interesting to know :In addition, tea was used for medical The British daily drink 165 million cups of tea.98 % of them The English drink tea several times a day .But the “5 o’clock In accordance with English tea etiquette you mustn’t be limited to one Traditionally, afternoon tea is served with bread, salted butter, fresh cucumbers and The British tea with lemon is called «Russian tea». Its time to drink tea ! Thanks for watching !
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2  The English say that it is easier to

 The English say that it is easier to imagine Britain without

imagine Britain without the Queen than without tea .

Слайд 3 Tea in England is not just drinking tea.

Tea in England is not just drinking tea. It is a

It is a special ceremony . This tradition is

kept not only by the Queen but simple Brits as well. It is a special culture-from brewing to using ; it has many adherents far beyond the island.

Слайд 4 Appearance of tea in England
Tea was brought

Appearance of tea in England Tea was brought to England in

to England in the seventeenth century by Princess of

Portugal, the wife of England's king Charles II. Since then tea became popular in the country.

Слайд 5 Tea was an elite drink for the rich

Tea was an elite drink for the rich aristocracy and was

aristocracy and was kept in houses in special vessels.

Слайд 6 It is interesting to know :
In addition, tea

It is interesting to know :In addition, tea was used for

was used for medical purposes. People believed that tea

helped to relax. Many historians claim that in the period of the industrial revolution, the workers remained healthy because of tea.

Слайд 7 The British daily drink 165 million cups of

The British daily drink 165 million cups of tea.98 % of

tea.98 % of them drink tea with milk ,but

only 30% add sugar.

Слайд 8 The English drink tea several times a day

The English drink tea several times a day .But the “5

.But the “5 o’clock tea “ is the most

famous tea tradition spread all over Britain .

Слайд 9 In accordance with English tea etiquette you mustn’t

In accordance with English tea etiquette you mustn’t be limited to

be limited to one kind of tea. Usually you

choose among 8-10 ones .
В соответствии с английским чайным этикетом, ни в коем случае нельзя ограничиваться одним сортом чая. Обычно на выбор предлагаются 8-10 сортов чая.

Слайд 10 Traditionally, afternoon tea is served with bread, salted

Traditionally, afternoon tea is served with bread, salted butter, fresh cucumbers

butter, fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, eggs, toast with cinnamon,

almond biscuits, jam, muffins pastries and cakes. And, of course, the most famous snacks in the world - sandwiches.

Слайд 11 The British tea with lemon is called «Russian

The British tea with lemon is called «Russian tea».


Слайд 13 Its time to drink tea !

Its time to drink tea !

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  • Количество просмотров: 159
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