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Презентация на тему к уроку Американские праздники

The United States of America The USA Holidays and Special Days  in the USA There are 10 federal holidays in America. Some states celebrate them on different dates. New Year’s Day New Years Eve (December 31) is a time for big parties and Martin Luther King's Birthday  January (Third Monday)  On this day President's Day  February (Third Monday)This holiday was created to celebrate the Memorial Day  May (Last Monday)  Americans remember the US soldiers It is the United States’ Birthday.It is a time for patriotic celebrations, Labor Day  September (First Monday)In 1869 the first labor union to Columbus Day  October (Second Monday)On this day Americans remember Christopher Columbus, Veteran's Day  11th NovemberOn this day Americans give thanks to war Thanksgiving Day  November (Fourth Thursday)This is equivalent to the annual harvest Christmas is a religious holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus. Most families Holidays and Special Days  in the USA
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The USA


Слайд 3 Holidays and Special Days in the USA

Holidays and Special Days in the USA

Слайд 4 There are 10 federal holidays in America. Some

There are 10 federal holidays in America. Some states celebrate them on different dates.

states celebrate them on different dates.

Слайд 5 New Year’s Day

New Year’s Day

Слайд 6 New Years Eve (December 31) is a time

New Years Eve (December 31) is a time for big parties

for big parties and celebrations in the USA. The

most famous outdoors New Years Eve celebration is held at Times Square in New York City.

New Years Day (January 1) is a quiet day for recovery from the celebration of the previous evening. Some people have dinner parties for their family or invite guests.

New Year's Day 1st January

Слайд 7 Martin Luther King's Birthday January (Third Monday)

Martin Luther King's Birthday January (Third Monday) On this day people

this day people remember the Afro-American civil rights leader

who fought discrimination against black Americans.

Слайд 8 President's Day February (Third Monday)
This holiday was created

President's Day February (Third Monday)This holiday was created to celebrate the

to celebrate the deeds of two legendary American Presidents

Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday is February 12.
He was the 16th president of the USA.
He won the Civil War between the North and the South and this victory put an end to slavery in the USA.

George Washington

George Washington’s Birthday is February 22.

He was the first president of the United States.

During the War of Independence he took command of the Continental Army for eight years, until colonies won their independence from Britain.

Слайд 9 Memorial Day May (Last Monday)
Americans remember the

Memorial Day May (Last Monday) Americans remember the US soldiers who

US soldiers who died in the wars. People visit

cemeteries and put flowers on graves.

Слайд 10
It is the United States’ Birthday.

It is a

It is the United States’ Birthday.It is a time for patriotic

time for patriotic celebrations, picnics and relaxation. Many cities

and towns across the country hold parades, musical performances and fireworks displays.

Independence Day 4th July

Слайд 11 Labor Day September (First Monday)
In 1869 the first

Labor Day September (First Monday)In 1869 the first labor union to

labor union to defend workers’ rights was started. Workers

got the right to an eight-hour workday.
Most people do not go to work on Labor Day. They have a three-day weekend. In some cities there is a parade.

Слайд 12 Columbus Day October (Second Monday)
On this day Americans

Columbus Day October (Second Monday)On this day Americans remember Christopher Columbus,

remember Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer. He sailed west

across the Atlantic to find a faster route to travel from Asia to Europe. On October 1, in 1492, he reached some islands near North America. He thought he was in India and he called the people of the islands Indians.

Слайд 13 Veteran's Day 11th November
On this day Americans give

Veteran's Day 11th NovemberOn this day Americans give thanks to war

thanks to war veterans for peace.
At 11:00 in

the morning, most Americans observe the moment of silence to remember those who fought for peace.

Слайд 14 Thanksgiving Day November (Fourth Thursday)
This is equivalent to

Thanksgiving Day November (Fourth Thursday)This is equivalent to the annual harvest

the annual harvest festivals in many other countries. It

is not a religious holiday. Most people in the USA celebrate this holiday by gathering at their family home. The traditional dish for the Thanksgiving Day dinner is a large roasted Turkey.

Слайд 15 Christmas is a religious holiday celebrating the birth

Christmas is a religious holiday celebrating the birth of Jesus. Most

of Jesus.
Most families have small evergreen trees in

their homes and decorate them with colored lights.
On Christmas morning, children awaken to find gifts under the Christmas tree.
Christmas day is a family holiday. Close friends, relatives and neighbors often visit each other on Christmas evening.

Christmas 25th December

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-amerikanskie-prazdniki.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 131
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