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Презентация на тему Церковь Иоанна Предтечи

St. John the Baptist ChurchSt. John the Baptist Church, dating from the 1680s, is the acme of traditional Russian architecture.
St. John the Baptist Church in Yaroslavl(Russian: Церковь Иоанна Предтечи) St. John the Baptist ChurchSt. John the Baptist Church, dating from the Where is located It was built in 1671-1687 on the bank of Its walls and dome drums are covered with richly glazed tiles; the The bell-tower The 7-storey, 45-metre high bell-tower was built later than the church itself in mid-1690s. The entire interior is covered with frescoes depicting Christian saints, St. John You can see the Church of St. John the Baptist in Yaroslavl The End
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 St. John the Baptist Church
St. John the Baptist

St. John the Baptist ChurchSt. John the Baptist Church, dating from

Church, dating from the 1680s, is the acme of

traditional Russian architecture.

Слайд 3 Where is located
It was built in 1671-1687

Where is located It was built in 1671-1687 on the bank

on the bank of Kotorosl river in the Tolchkovo

Sloboda (district) which at that time was the largest and wealthiest part of the town.

Слайд 4 Its walls and dome drums are covered with

Its walls and dome drums are covered with richly glazed tiles;

richly glazed tiles; the temple's fifteen onion domes are

assembled in three groups.

Слайд 5 The bell-tower
The 7-storey, 45-metre high bell-tower was

The bell-tower The 7-storey, 45-metre high bell-tower was built later than the church itself in mid-1690s.

built later than the church itself in mid-1690s.

Слайд 6 The entire interior is covered with frescoes depicting

The entire interior is covered with frescoes depicting Christian saints, St.

Christian saints, St. John the Baptist hagiography and biblical

topics. They were painted by Dmitry Plekhanov and Fyodor Ignitiev in 1694-1695.

Слайд 9 You can see the Church of St. John

You can see the Church of St. John the Baptist in

the Baptist in Yaroslavl on the 1000 ruble banknote.

  • Имя файла: tserkov-ioanna-predtechi.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 114
  • Количество скачиваний: 0