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Презентация на тему по английскому языку - Викторина A lucky chance (3-5 класс)


Test №1 Quick questions
«A lucky chance» a quiz game Test №1 Quick questions What is the capital  of Great Britain? What is the capital  of Great Britain? London Who is the president  in the USA now? Who is the president  in the USA now?Donald Trump Test №2 Unscramble! eHwlenaol eHwlenaolHalloween nlEishg nlEishgEnglish coklC coklCClock oseHu oseHuHouse Test №3 Proverbs Live and learn Live and learnВек живи – век учись Better late  than never Better late  than neverЛучше поздно, чем никогда A friend in need is a friend indeed A friend in need is a friend indeedДруг познаётся в беде East of West, home is best East of West, home is bestВ гостях хорошо, а дома - лучше Test №4 the Extra word Tea coffee juice lemon lemon Tree sun rain cold Tree Test №5 Questions! What is the official language in Great Britain?a) English b) French c) Russian    d) Chinese What is the official language in Great Britain?a) English b) French c) Russian    d) Chinese The capital of Great Britain is …a) Manchester   b) Liverpool   c) London  d) Cardiff The capital of Great Britain is …a) Manchester   b) Liverpool   c) London  d) Cardiff Big Ben is …a) a clock  b) a horse   c) an animal in the zoo   d) a famous name Big Ben is …a) a clock  b) a horse   c) an animal in the zoo   d) a famous name England is in …a) Europe  b) Africa   c) America  d) Asia England is in …a) Europe  b) Africa   c) America  d) Asia The name of the river in London  is …a) The Severn   b) The name of the river in London  is …a) The Severn   b) Who is the head of England?a) the Queen   b) the Tzar   c) the Prime Minister  d) the President  Who is the head of England?a) the Queen   b) the Tzar   c) the Prime Minister  d) the President  That’s all! Congratulations!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Test №1 Quick questions

Test №1 Quick questions

Слайд 3 What is the capital of Great Britain?

What is the capital of Great Britain?

Слайд 4 What is the capital of Great Britain?


What is the capital of Great Britain? London

Слайд 5 Who is the president in the USA now?

Who is the president in the USA now?

Слайд 6 Who is the president in the USA now?

Who is the president in the USA now?Donald Trump


Слайд 7 Test №2 Unscramble!

Test №2 Unscramble!

Слайд 8 eHwlenaol


Слайд 9 eHwlenaol


Слайд 10 nlEishg


Слайд 11 nlEishg


Слайд 13 coklC


Слайд 15 oseHu


Слайд 16 Test №3 Proverbs

Test №3 Proverbs

Слайд 17 Live and learn

Live and learn

Слайд 18 Live and learn
Век живи – век учись

Live and learnВек живи – век учись

Слайд 19 Better late than never

Better late than never

Слайд 20 Better late than never
Лучше поздно,
чем никогда

Better late than neverЛучше поздно, чем никогда

Слайд 21 A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend in need is a friend indeed

Слайд 22 A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend in need is a friend indeedДруг познаётся в беде

познаётся в беде

Слайд 23 East of West, home is best

East of West, home is best

Слайд 24 East of West, home is best
В гостях хорошо,

East of West, home is bestВ гостях хорошо, а дома - лучше

а дома - лучше

Слайд 25 Test №4 the Extra word

Test №4 the Extra word

Слайд 26 Tea coffee juice lemon

Tea coffee juice lemon

Слайд 28 Tree sun rain cold

Tree sun rain cold

Слайд 30 Test №5 Questions!

Test №5 Questions!

Слайд 31 What is the official language in Great Britain?

What is the official language in Great Britain?a) English b) French c) Russian    d) Chinese

b) French 
c) Russian    
d) Chinese

Слайд 32 What is the official language in Great Britain?

What is the official language in Great Britain?a) English b) French c) Russian    d) Chinese

b) French 
c) Russian    
d) Chinese

Слайд 33 The capital of Great Britain is …
a) Manchester   

The capital of Great Britain is …a) Manchester   b) Liverpool   c) London  d) Cardiff

c) London  
d) Cardiff

Слайд 34 The capital of Great Britain is …
a) Manchester   

The capital of Great Britain is …a) Manchester   b) Liverpool   c) London  d) Cardiff

c) London  
d) Cardiff

Слайд 35 Big Ben is …
a) a clock  
b) a horse   

Big Ben is …a) a clock  b) a horse   c) an animal in the zoo   d) a famous name

an animal in the zoo   
d) a famous name

Слайд 36 Big Ben is …
a) a clock  
b) a horse   

Big Ben is …a) a clock  b) a horse   c) an animal in the zoo   d) a famous name

an animal in the zoo   
d) a famous name

Слайд 37 England is in …
a) Europe  
b) Africa   
c) America  
d) Asia

England is in …a) Europe  b) Africa   c) America  d) Asia

Слайд 38 England is in …
a) Europe  
b) Africa   
c) America  
d) Asia

England is in …a) Europe  b) Africa   c) America  d) Asia

Слайд 39 The name of the river in London is

The name of the river in London is …a) The Severn   b)

a) The Severn   
b) The Thames   
c) The Avon   
d) The Clyde

Слайд 40 The name of the river in London is

The name of the river in London is …a) The Severn   b)

a) The Severn   
b) The Thames   
c) The Avon   
d) The Clyde

Слайд 41 Who is the head of England?
a) the Queen   
b) the

Who is the head of England?a) the Queen   b) the Tzar   c) the Prime Minister  d) the President 

c) the Prime Minister  
d) the President 

Слайд 42 Who is the head of England?
a) the Queen   
b) the

Who is the head of England?a) the Queen   b) the Tzar   c) the Prime Minister  d) the President 

c) the Prime Minister  
d) the President 

Слайд 43 That’s all!

That’s all!

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-viktorina-a-lucky-chance-3-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0