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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Новогодняя одежда (5 класс)

New Year’s Day is the first holiday of the year. It’s the most colorful holiday and all the people look forward to it.
NEW YEAR CLOTHES New Year’s Day is the first holiday of the year. It’s the They buy beautiful clothes on New Year’s Eve to look nice. Women and girls like to wear smart dresses Men and boys like to wear fashionable shirts, jumpers and trousers People often decorate their clothes with tinsels At the end of December little children have New Year’s matinees in Children like costumes of animals Costumes of princes and princesses HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 New Year’s Day is the first holiday of

New Year’s Day is the first holiday of the year. It’s

the year. It’s the most colorful holiday and all

the people look forward to it.

Слайд 3 They buy beautiful clothes on New Year’s Eve

They buy beautiful clothes on New Year’s Eve to look nice.

to look nice.

Слайд 4 Women and girls like to wear smart dresses

Women and girls like to wear smart dresses

Слайд 5 Men and boys like to wear fashionable shirts,

Men and boys like to wear fashionable shirts, jumpers and trousers

jumpers and trousers

Слайд 6 People often decorate their clothes with tinsels

People often decorate their clothes with tinsels

Слайд 7 At the end of December little children have

At the end of December little children have New Year’s matinees

New Year’s matinees in the kindergartens, theatres etc. They

wear costumes and masks there.

Слайд 8 Children like costumes of animals

Children like costumes of animals

Слайд 9 Costumes of princes and princesses

Costumes of princes and princesses

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-novogodnyaya-odezhda-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0