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Презентация на тему по английскому языку Branches of the economy

Branch of economy - a set of enterprises producing (extracting) homogeneous or specific products on the same type of technology.
branches of the economy Branch of economy - a set of enterprises producing (extracting) homogeneous or Industries are United in:The primary sector of the economyit combines industries Secondary sector of economymanufacturing and construction. The tertiary sector of the economythe so-called The Quaternary sector of the economyareas of Economics included in the concept of knowledge economy. The branches of material production include:industrial agriculture According to the Russian legislation sector of the economy includes all the distinguishclean industries producing monoproducts (e.g. coal industry);economic branches in which the main
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Branch of economy
- a set of enterprises

Branch of economy - a set of enterprises producing (extracting) homogeneous

producing (extracting) homogeneous or specific products on the same

type of technology.

Слайд 3 Industries are United in:
The primary sector of the

Industries are United in:The primary sector of the economyit combines

it combines industries related to the extraction of raw

materials and its processing into semi-finished products.

Слайд 4 Secondary sector of economy
manufacturing and construction.

Secondary sector of economymanufacturing and construction.

Слайд 5 The tertiary sector of the economy
the so-called "service

The tertiary sector of the economythe so-called


Слайд 6 The Quaternary sector of the economy
areas of Economics

The Quaternary sector of the economyareas of Economics included in the concept of knowledge economy.

included in the concept of knowledge economy.

Слайд 7 The branches of material production include:

The branches of material production include:industrial

Слайд 8 agriculture


Слайд 9 According to the Russian legislation sector of the

According to the Russian legislation sector of the economy includes all

economy includes all the Russian producers of similar goods

or directly competitive product or those of them whose share in the total volume of production in the Russian Federation, respectively, of similar goods or directly competitive goods constitutes the bulk of

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-branches-of-the-economy.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 187
  • Количество скачиваний: 2