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Презентация на тему Let’s have fun in the USA (Thanksgiving day) учебно-методический материал по иностранному языку (4 класс)

Do you like winter? - Yes, I do. I like … . - No, I don’t. I don’t like … .
It is Tuesday Today is the … of Do you like winter? - Yes, I do. I like … . The weather is …coldhotsunnywarm [w]    Why do you cry Willy?  Why Send-sent-sent Spend-spent-spent What names for the USA can you find in the text?Why are Dear Bob, I congratulate you on the Thanksgiving day and
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Do you like winter?
- Yes, I do.

Do you like winter? - Yes, I do. I like …

I like … .
- No, I don’t. I

don’t like … .

Слайд 3 The weather is …

The weather is …coldhotsunnywarm     cloudy    it rains


it rains

Слайд 4 [w] Why do you cry Willy?  Why

[w]  Why do you cry Willy?  Why do you

do you cry?  Why Willy? Why Willy?  Why, Willy, why?

Слайд 6 Send-sent-sent Spend-spent-spent

Send-sent-sent Spend-spent-spent

Слайд 7 What names for the USA can you find

What names for the USA can you find in the text?Why

in the text?
Why are there 50 stars on the

US flag?
Why did Columbus come to America?
Who came to the New World after Columbus ?

  • Имя файла: lets-have-fun-in-the-usa-thanksgiving-day -uchebno-metodicheskiy-material-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-4-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 148
  • Количество скачиваний: 0