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Презентация на тему по английскому языку

vocabulary sophomore — студент второго курса колледжа или ученик 10-го класса средней школы junior — студент предпоследнего курса колледжа или ученик 11-го класса средней школы  senior — студент последнего класса колледжа или ученик 12-го
Schools in the USA Подготовила: Сергалиева М. А. vocabulary   sophomore — студент второго курса колледжа или ученик 10-го vocabularyskill — навык goal — цель curriculum — расписание, учебный план specific vocabularyaccording to — в соответствии с guidance counselor — советник по профессиональной vocabularybachelor's degree — степень бакалавра  master's degree — степень магистра to be Life at school in Britain. 1.Тhe school year is devided into terms, Life at school in Britain.2.Most of the pupil's time is spent in Life at school in Britain.З.Pupils at many secondary schools in Britain wear, а school uniform.  Questions: 1) How many terms are there in the school year in schoolsNurseryPrimaryelementarysecondary Which school do the children go: 1) The children play games, sing Which school do the children go:3) First students have one main classroom.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 vocabulary
sophomore — студент второго курса

vocabulary  sophomore — студент второго курса колледжа или ученик 10-го

колледжа или ученик 10-го класса средней школы
junior — студент

предпоследнего курса колледжа или ученик 11-го класса средней школы 
senior — студент последнего класса колледжа или ученик 12-го класса средней школы 
majority — большинство 

Слайд 3 vocabulary
skill — навык
goal — цель
curriculum — расписание, учебный

vocabularyskill — навык goal — цель curriculum — расписание, учебный план

specific — конкретный, определённый
Social Studies — обществознание
opportunity — возможность

subject — предметы по выбору

Слайд 4 vocabulary
according to — в соответствии с
guidance counselor —

vocabularyaccording to — в соответствии с guidance counselor — советник по

советник по профессиональной ориентации
various — разнообразный
freshman — новичок

Слайд 5 vocabulary
bachelor's degree — степень бакалавра 
master's degree — степень

vocabularybachelor's degree — степень бакалавра  master's degree — степень магистра to

to be engaged in — заниматься чем-либо 
research work —

научно-исследовательская работа

Слайд 7 Life at school in Britain.
1.Тhe school year

Life at school in Britain. 1.Тhe school year is devided into

is devided into terms, three months each, named after

seasons:autumn term, winter term and spring term. Eасh term has а shot-term break in the middle, and longer holidays at Christmas and Easter
and in the summer.
An autumn term starts on the first Tuesday morning in September. In July schools break up for eight weeks.

Слайд 8 Life at school in Britain.
2.Most of the pupil's

Life at school in Britain.2.Most of the pupil's time is spent

time is spent in а classroom with desks and

а blackboard. In addition to class rooms every school has laboratories for different subjects, a library, a school canteen, a sick room, common rooms, where boys and girls can relax during the breaks and lunch time.

Слайд 9 Life at school in Britain.
З.Pupils at many secondary

Life at school in Britain.З.Pupils at many secondary schools in Britain wear, а school uniform. 

schools in Britain wear, а school uniform. 

Слайд 10 Questions:
1) How many terms are there in the

Questions: 1) How many terms are there in the school year

school year in Kazakhstan?
2) Do pupils in our school

wear a school uniform?

Слайд 11 schools


Слайд 12 Which school do the children go:
1) The children

Which school do the children go: 1) The children play games,

play games, sing songs. (nursery school)
2) The children draw,

begin reading and writing (kindergarten)

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 170
  • Количество скачиваний: 0