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Презентация на тему Писатели и поэты

Jerome Klapka. Jerome (1859- 1927)England is the birthplace of such writers as Jerome K. Jerome, the author of the popular novel Three Men in a Boat.
literature –N. literary – Ad. Edinburgh  Shakespeare  theater  college Jerome Klapka. Jerome  (1859- 1927)England is the birthplace of such writers Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855`)Charlotte Bronte, an English novelist of the XIX century, was a contemporary of Dickens. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Stratford-on-Avon is known as William Shakespeare`s birthplace. He was an Oscar Wild  (1854-1900) Oscar Wilde was an Irish writer best known Roald Dahl  (1916-1990)Here not far from Cardiff, the modern writer Roald Lewis Caroll  (1832-1898)Wales inspired Lewis Carroll to write his literary treasure Alice in Wonderland. Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)Walter Scott is a Scottish writer and a poet, John Ronald Reyel Tolkien (1892-1973)John Ronald Reyel Tolkien is a writer and Robert Burns (1759-1796)In South West Scotland we meet Robert Burns, the great Georg Gordon Byron  (1788-1824)	 The great English r poet. When he Информационные ресурсыhttp://lichnosti.net/list_prof_33_country_4.htmlhttp://allmuz.org/melody/17+%E2%E5%EAУчебник В.П.Кузовлев «Английский язык 9 класс»
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

Слайд 3 Jerome Klapka. Jerome (1859- 1927)
England is the birthplace

Jerome Klapka. Jerome (1859- 1927)England is the birthplace of such writers

of such writers as Jerome K. Jerome, the author

of the popular novel Three Men in a Boat.

Слайд 4 Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855`)
Charlotte Bronte, an English novelist of

Charlotte Bronte (1816-1855`)Charlotte Bronte, an English novelist of the XIX century, was a contemporary of Dickens.

the XIX century, was a contemporary of Dickens.

Слайд 5 William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
Stratford-on-Avon is known as William Shakespeare`s

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)Stratford-on-Avon is known as William Shakespeare`s birthplace. He was

birthplace. He was an English writer of plays, one

of the famous ever. Among the most famous of his plays are the tragedies of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and ect.

Слайд 6 Oscar Wild (1854-1900)
Oscar Wilde was an Irish

Oscar Wild (1854-1900) Oscar Wilde was an Irish writer best known

writer best known for his The Picture of Dorian


Слайд 7 Roald Dahl (1916-1990)
Here not far from Cardiff, the

Roald Dahl (1916-1990)Here not far from Cardiff, the modern writer Roald

modern writer Roald Dahl was born. He is a

novelist, short story writer and screenwriter.

Слайд 8 Lewis Caroll (1832-1898)
Wales inspired Lewis Carroll to write

Lewis Caroll (1832-1898)Wales inspired Lewis Carroll to write his literary treasure Alice in Wonderland.

his literary treasure Alice in Wonderland.

Слайд 9 Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)
Walter Scott is a Scottish

Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832)Walter Scott is a Scottish writer and a

writer and a poet, especially famous for his stories

of Scottish life.

Слайд 10 John Ronald Reyel Tolkien (1892-1973)
John Ronald Reyel Tolkien

John Ronald Reyel Tolkien (1892-1973)John Ronald Reyel Tolkien is a writer

is a writer and university teacher best known for

his fantasy books The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.

Слайд 11 Robert Burns (1759-1796)
In South West Scotland we meet

Robert Burns (1759-1796)In South West Scotland we meet Robert Burns, the

Robert Burns, the great Scottish poet, who wrote hundreds

of songs and poems.

Слайд 12 Georg Gordon Byron (1788-1824)
The great English r

Georg Gordon Byron (1788-1824)	 The great English r poet. When he

poet. When he was a student, he published his

first collection of poems

  • Имя файла: pisateli-i-poety.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 119
  • Количество скачиваний: 0