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Презентация на тему по Межкультурной коммуникации на тему Eye Contact

Hi! This is Taylor!From my research I believe that every society or culture has adapted his or her own understanding of eye contact.
Eye ContactKharchenko Helen Hi! This is Taylor!From my research I believe that every society or Let’s watch a video! Let’s discuss the video!1) What is Eye Contact? Let’s discuss the video!2)Depending on what Eye Contact can be change? Let’s discuss the video!3) Tell about East Asian context Let’s discuss the video!4)Tell about Muslim context Let’s discuss the video!5) Tell about North American context Let’s discuss the video!6) Why some people choose not to make eye contact? References. JSTOR. 2011.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hi! This is Taylor!
From my research I believe

Hi! This is Taylor!From my research I believe that every society

that every society or culture has adapted his or

her own understanding of eye contact.

Слайд 3 Let’s watch a video!

Let’s watch a video!

Слайд 4 Let’s discuss the video!
1) What is Eye Contact?

Let’s discuss the video!1) What is Eye Contact?

Слайд 5 Let’s discuss the video!
2)Depending on what Eye Contact

Let’s discuss the video!2)Depending on what Eye Contact can be change?

can be change?

Слайд 6 Let’s discuss the video!
3) Tell about East Asian

Let’s discuss the video!3) Tell about East Asian context


Слайд 7 Let’s discuss the video!
4)Tell about Muslim context

Let’s discuss the video!4)Tell about Muslim context

Слайд 8 Let’s discuss the video!
5) Tell about North American

Let’s discuss the video!5) Tell about North American context


Слайд 9 Let’s discuss the video!
6) Why some people choose

Let’s discuss the video!6) Why some people choose not to make eye contact?

not to make eye contact?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-mezhkulturnoy-kommunikatsii-na-temu-eye-contact.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 129
  • Количество скачиваний: 0