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Презентация на тему Home rules for children

Home rules for childrenThere are a lot of rules for children at home. If children are at home alone, they mustn't take any scissors, bottles of chlorine, matches and other unsafed things in their
Home rules for children    Kolnoshenko Liza Home rules for childrenThere are a lot of rules for children at Home rules for childrenChildren mustn't take a shower alone, because they can Home rules for childrenChildren mustn`t open the door to thestrange people, these Home rules for childrenGas is very dangerous.If at home it smells gas,you Home rules for childrenWhen the fire starts a child must call Home rules for children   Fire can burn
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Home rules for children
There are a lot of

Home rules for childrenThere are a lot of rules for children

for children at home.
If children

are at home
alone, they mustn't take
any scissors, bottles of
chlorine, matches and
other unsafed things in
their hands.

Слайд 3 Home rules for children
Children mustn't
take a shower

Home rules for childrenChildren mustn't take a shower alone, because they

because they can sink.
Also they mustn't

sit at the windowsill,
so children can fall
and break a leg or a

Слайд 4 Home rules for children
Children mustn`t open the door

Home rules for childrenChildren mustn`t open the door to thestrange people,

to the
strange people, these people can be

Children mustn`t use medicines without
parents` permission, because they can

Слайд 5 Home rules for children
Gas is very dangerous.
If at

Home rules for childrenGas is very dangerous.If at home it smells

home it smells gas,
you must call to gas

so you can poison.
Children mustn`t touch
electrocute it can happen
the closing of electricity
and the fire begins. It is very

Слайд 6 Home rules for children
When the fire starts

Home rules for childrenWhen the fire starts a child must

a child must call
to the fire service. In

such way a child
can safe himself. инуяша
If children use these rules, it will be
easier to live. You must be careful
every day. You must protect yourself
from different and dangerous situations.

  • Имя файла: home-rules-for-children.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 149
  • Количество скачиваний: 0