In the present study English many, knowing that the knowledge of the language necessary. English today is considered the international language of business, technology, financial and economic development. It is for this reason more and more
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In the present study English many, knowing that
the knowledge of the language necessary. English today is
considered the international language of business, technology, financial and economic development. It is for this reason more and more people strive to be fluent in this language.
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For example, a growing number of companies are
trying to attract into your business, foreign investment, to
create a common enterprise or to sell some shares to foreign companies. Your new employers are interested in communicating with you in English. You in turn can ask the following question: "Why don't they learn your language?". The answer is very simple: English is the "language of business" and if you want to be its direct participant, you should adhere to generally accepted rules.
and technical published it in English, later of course
there are other translations, but the translated text in contrast to the original language are not always able to fully convey the message of the author.
no airport or air traffic control service, technology or sports, where they did not dominate the English. He is also the universal language of the Internet, as most e-books and information can be found in this language.
international language. In addition ,I can watch movies in the original language ,to communicate with people from different countries. Also, I need English to for me future. If you go abroad , them, without the Knowledge of the English language ,you can always get into awkward situations. The menu in restaurants is usually offered in English. Schedule of flights or other transportation on companies. And who knows ,may be someday the English language will save my life.