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Презентация на тему по английскому языку для 6 класса: зачет по теме Погода

2. Full the sentences: a) If the weather is … We won't go for a walk. b) If It is rainy I will … c) If my mother says the weather is … I will
The weatherDo any tasks for checking of yourselves.1. Describe the weather today 2. Full the sentences:  a) If the weather is … We 3. Translate the words and make the right sentences:1) I, go, the, 4. Find the faults: It's winter.  It's not winter. It's autumn. It's summer. 5. Listen the poem about the weather and describe:1) What2) Where3) Who4) 6. Imagine yourselves  as a reporter who makes  an interesting 7. See on the pictures (1st and 2nd) and describe in your groups:1st picture2nd picture 8. Checking,  make the marks for youWhat did you find out Thank you for your very nice work!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 2. Full the sentences: a) If the weather is

2. Full the sentences: a) If the weather is … We

… We won't go for a walk. b) If It

is rainy I will … c) If my mother says the weather is … I will ...

Слайд 3 3. Translate the words and make the right

3. Translate the words and make the right sentences:1) I, go,

1) I, go, the, not, If, weather, is, frosty,

will, to, park, the.
2) We, weather, the, do, like, not, and, windy, foggy.
3) Mother, my, dislikes, cool, and, weather, wet, the.
4) My, do, friends, not, to, go, the, because, cinema, the, very, weather, is, cold.

Слайд 4 4. Find the faults:
It's winter. It's not

4. Find the faults: It's winter. It's not winter. It's autumn. It's summer.

winter. It's autumn. It's summer.

Слайд 5 5. Listen the poem about the weather and

5. Listen the poem about the weather and describe:1) What2) Where3)

1) What
2) Where
3) Who
4) How long
5) How much
6) What

weather (your proving and opinion)

Слайд 6 6. Imagine yourselves as a reporter who makes

6. Imagine yourselves as a reporter who makes an interesting report

an interesting report about the weather in your city

Слайд 7 7. See on the pictures (1st and 2nd)

7. See on the pictures (1st and 2nd) and describe in your groups:1st picture2nd picture

and describe in your groups:
1st picture
2nd picture

Слайд 8 8. Checking, make the marks for you
What did

8. Checking, make the marks for youWhat did you find out

you find out at today's lesson?
What can you repeat

one time else?
Are you agree with your marks?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-dlya-6-klassa-zachet-po-teme-pogoda.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 141
  • Количество скачиваний: 2