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Презентация на тему Invitation

The aims of the lesson:1. To enlarge the pupils vocabulary; To increase pupils knowledge2. To activate the pupils in speaking, reading, writing habits ; To develop students’ skills and habits in dialogic speech through asking(answering) questions;3.To
INVITATION The aims of the lesson:1. To enlarge the pupils vocabulary; To increase Procedure of the lesson:Organization momentChecking up home taskWarming up. Phonetic drillPresentationPracticeConclusionHome task 1.Organization moment-Good morning children!-How are you?-What is the weather like today?-Is it 2.Checking up home task* Name the words according to their meanings:1.A special 3.Warming up. Phonetic drillWhen is your   birthday?NarimanAlyaBekzatKamila  AdylNurtilekTemirlan Presentation of the new lessonNew vocabulary invite- Practice new wordsEnjoyInviteDeliciousWonderfulInvitationBoringHateLovelyDisgustingЖек көруЖағымдыТамашaШақыруРахаттануӨте жаманШақыру қағазыДәмдіЖалықтыратын Reading and SpeakingRead and answer the questions.Do you invite your friend to Read the invitation. Language structure. Carol: Were you at Jon’s party yesterday?Dmitry: Yes, I wasColin: SpeakingTrue or false?1.Dmitry was at John’s party yesterday.  ___2.The party was Practice.Let’s try to make our own dialogue. -Were you at …….. party Writing.  Write some more words with these prepositions   toonat ConclusionWere you at party yesterday?Was it lovely or boring?Were there many people?Did you enjoy it? Home task  Write an invitation to your friend and learn by heart the new wordsInvitation Thank you for your attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aims of the lesson:
1. To enlarge the

The aims of the lesson:1. To enlarge the pupils vocabulary; To

pupils vocabulary; To increase pupils knowledge

2. To activate the

pupils in speaking, reading, writing habits ; To develop students’ skills and habits in dialogic speech through asking(answering) questions;

3.To develop the students’ interests for the language,

Слайд 3 Procedure of the lesson:
Organization moment
Checking up home task

Procedure of the lesson:Organization momentChecking up home taskWarming up. Phonetic drillPresentationPracticeConclusionHome task

up. Phonetic drill
Home task

Слайд 4 1.Organization moment
-Good morning children!
-How are you?
-What is the

1.Organization moment-Good morning children!-How are you?-What is the weather like today?-Is

weather like today?
-Is it sunny or cloudy?
-Is it cold

or warm?
-What was it yesterday?
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?

Слайд 5 2.Checking up home task
* Name the words according

2.Checking up home task* Name the words according to their meanings:1.A

to their meanings:
1.A special bean for litter
2.A person who

throws the litter
3.Garbage(қоқыс) on the ground or in the street
* Write these letter combinations:
[ә:]- [Ѳ]- [ʤ]-
[ʃ]- [ʧ]- [ð]-
*Answer the questions:
What do you do when you are happy (ill, angry, tired)?

Слайд 6 3.Warming up. Phonetic drill

When is your

3.Warming up. Phonetic drillWhen is your  birthday?NarimanAlyaBekzatKamila AdylNurtilekTemirlan


Слайд 7 Presentation of the new lesson
New vocabulary

Presentation of the new lessonNew vocabulary invite-    [invait]-


invitation- [inviteiʃn]- шақыру қағазы
boring- [boriŋ]- жалығу, жалықтыратын
disgusting- [disgʌstiŋ]- өте жаман
lovely- [lʌvli]- жағымды
delicious- [diliʃәs]- дәмді
enjoy- [inʤoi]- рахаттану, сүйсіну
hate- [heit]- жек көру
wonderful- [wʌndәful]- тамаша

Слайд 8 Practice new words

Жек көру
Өте жаман
Шақыру қағазы

Practice new wordsEnjoyInviteDeliciousWonderfulInvitationBoringHateLovelyDisgustingЖек көруЖағымдыТамашaШақыруРахаттануӨте жаманШақыру қағазыДәмдіЖалықтыратын

Слайд 9 Reading and Speaking
Read and answer the questions.
Do you

Reading and SpeakingRead and answer the questions.Do you invite your friend

invite your friend to your birthday?
Do you send a

postcard to your friend?
Do you send an invitation to your friend?

Слайд 10 Read the invitation.

Read the invitation.

Слайд 11 Language structure.
Carol: Were you at Jon’s party

Language structure. Carol: Were you at Jon’s party yesterday?Dmitry: Yes, I

Dmitry: Yes, I was
Colin: Was it good?
Dmitry: No, it

was boring.The food was
Colin: Were there many people?
Dmitry: Yes, there were.And where were you?
Colin: I was at Tom’s party. There were not many
people there. But it was lovely.The food was
delicious. I enjoyed it.


Слайд 12 Speaking
True or false?
1.Dmitry was at John’s party yesterday.

SpeakingTrue or false?1.Dmitry was at John’s party yesterday. ___2.The party was

2.The party was boring.

3.The food was delicious ___
4.There were many people ___
5.Carol was at John’s party too ___
6.The food was disgusting ___
7.Carol enjoyed the party ___

Слайд 13 Practice.
Let’s try to make our own dialogue.

Practice.Let’s try to make our own dialogue. -Were you at ……..

you at …….. party yesterday?
-Was the food good?
-Were there

many people?
-And where were you?
-I was at …….party. There were not many
people there. But it was lovely.The food was
delicious. I enjoyed it.

Слайд 14 Writing. Write some more words with these prepositions

Writing. Write some more words with these prepositions  toonat


Слайд 15 Conclusion
Were you at party yesterday?
Was it lovely or

ConclusionWere you at party yesterday?Was it lovely or boring?Were there many people?Did you enjoy it?

Were there many people?
Did you enjoy it?

Слайд 16 Home task Write an invitation to your friend

Home task Write an invitation to your friend and learn by heart the new wordsInvitation

and learn by heart the new words

  • Имя файла: invitation.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 153
  • Количество скачиваний: 0