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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Great Britain (8 класс)

The aims of the lesson:EducationalMastering of new lexics and its use in speech.Developing To develop pupils skills and habits dialogic speech through asking questions learning and understanding.To develop the pupils speaking, listening, writing habits.To develop
The aims of the lesson:EducationalMastering of new lexics and its use in Let’s read one small but interesting poem The map of Great Britain Do you know… ? Which is the flag of Great Britain? the USAWhat country consists of four parts?3) the UKthe USA2) Canada   4) Australia What is the capital of … ? The famous places of Great BritainWestminster Abbey   the ancient large St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest work of England's greatest architect, Big Ben  ['big 'ben]— the bell which strikes the hours in Trafalgar Squareis in the centre of the West End of London. On Thames  [temz]— a river (346 km long) rising in South England, Divide the sentences into two groups Vocabulary workБерилган ҳарфларни туғри қуйиб, суз ясанг ва ёзиб олинг.dcthrlaae	 ______cathedral___onrcuyt	 ________________mtiecal Do you know that … Match the pictures and the wordsSt. Paul's CathedralWestminster AbbeyPiccadilly CircusBig BenThe Thames Who is she? THE LESSON IS OVER. GOOD BYE!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aims of the lesson:
Mastering of new lexics

The aims of the lesson:EducationalMastering of new lexics and its use

and its use in speech.
To develop pupils

skills and habits dialogic speech through asking questions learning and understanding.
To develop the pupils speaking, listening, writing habits.
To develop the pupils habits on pronunciation.

Слайд 3 Let’s read one small but interesting poem

Let’s read one small but interesting poem

Don’t cry bitterly and go to Italy.
Don’t miss your chance and go to France.
Take your pan and go to Japan.
Buy some cheese and go to Greece.

Слайд 4 The map of Great Britain

The map of Great Britain

Слайд 5 Do you know… ? Which is the flag of

Do you know… ? Which is the flag of Great Britain?

Great Britain?

Слайд 6 the USA

What country consists of four parts?
3) the

the USAWhat country consists of four parts?3) the UKthe USA2) Canada  4) Australia

the USA

2) Canada 4) Australia

Слайд 7 What is the capital of … ?

What is the capital of … ?

Слайд 8 The famous places of Great Britain
Westminster Abbey

The famous places of Great BritainWestminster Abbey  the ancient large

ancient large church in London in which the coronation

ceremony of almost all the English kings and queens has taken place . Many famous people are buried there.

Слайд 9 St. Paul's Cathedral

is the greatest work of

St. Paul's Cathedral is the greatest work of England's greatest

greatest architect,
Christopher Wren. The Cathedral
was begun in

1675. It was
opened in 1697 but was finished
only in 1710, when Wren was
almost eighty years old. There are
memorials to many famous men of
England in the Cathedral.

Слайд 10 Big Ben ['big 'ben]
— the bell which strikes

Big Ben ['big 'ben]— the bell which strikes the hours in

the hours in the Clock
Tower of the Houses

Parliament in London.
It was made in 1858 and
was named after
Benjamin Hall.

Слайд 11 Trafalgar Square
is in the centre of the

Trafalgar Squareis in the centre of the West End of London.

End of London.
On the north side there

the National Gallery;
in the north-east corner
there is the National
Portrait Gallery and in the
centre there is Nelson's
Column. Trafalgar Square
is the place where mass
meetings and demonstrations
take place.

Слайд 12 Thames [temz]
— a river (346 km long)

Thames [temz]— a river (346 km long) rising in South England,

in South England,
and flowing east to the

Sea, navigable
['nævigəbl] by large
ships up to London.

Слайд 13 Divide the sentences into two groups

Divide the sentences into two groups

Слайд 14 Vocabulary work
Берилган ҳарфларни туғри қуйиб, суз ясанг ва

Vocabulary workБерилган ҳарфларни туғри қуйиб, суз ясанг ва ёзиб олинг.dcthrlaae	 ______cathedral___onrcuyt

ёзиб олинг.
dcthrlaae ______cathedral___
onrcuyt ________________
mtiecal ________________
autdetsi ________________
tnceonint ________________
gomdink ________________


Слайд 15 Do you know that …

Do you know that …

Слайд 16 Match the pictures and the words
St. Paul's Cathedral

Match the pictures and the wordsSt. Paul's CathedralWestminster AbbeyPiccadilly CircusBig BenThe Thames

Piccadilly Circus
Big Ben
The Thames

Слайд 17 Who is she?

Who is she?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-great-britain-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 142
  • Количество скачиваний: 0