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Презентация на тему к уроку по английскому языку Olympic_Games

Olympic games«Citius, altius, fortius»
ИТОГОВЫЙ УРОК ПО ТЕМЕ«Olympic Games»  Обобщить материал по указанной теме. Olympic games«Citius, altius, fortius» Ancient Olympic gamesRunningRunning for stage (192m)double running(394m)hoplitodromosPentathlonHorse racinglong running (1344m)boxingpancritionwrestling776 B.C. ─ Revive of Olympic Games (1896)Evangelis ZappasPierre de CoubertinThe Emblem of IOCThe coin Geography of Summer Olympic Games Geography of Winter Olympic Games Sport in Great BritainFootballTennisRederick John PerryHarold Segerson MahonyCharlotte CooperTimothy Henry HenmanElena BaltachaAndrew Murray Basketball in USA Answer the questions1. Where did the competitions of ancient athletes take place?2. Game over
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Olympic games
«Citius, altius, fortius»

Olympic games«Citius, altius, fortius»

Слайд 3 Ancient Olympic games
Running for stage (192m)
double running(394m)
Horse racing

Ancient Olympic gamesRunningRunning for stage (192m)double running(394m)hoplitodromosPentathlonHorse racinglong running (1344m)boxingpancritionwrestling776 B.C.

running (1344m)
776 B.C. ─ 217 A.D.
The OG included events


Слайд 4 Revive of Olympic Games (1896)
Evangelis Zappas
Pierre de Coubertin

Revive of Olympic Games (1896)Evangelis ZappasPierre de CoubertinThe Emblem of IOCThe

Emblem of IOC
The coin for the Century of OG

poster of The Ist OG

Слайд 5 Geography of Summer Olympic Games

Geography of Summer Olympic Games

Слайд 8 Geography of Winter Olympic Games

Geography of Winter Olympic Games

Слайд 10 Sport in Great Britain
Rederick John Perry
Harold Segerson Mahony

Sport in Great BritainFootballTennisRederick John PerryHarold Segerson MahonyCharlotte CooperTimothy Henry HenmanElena BaltachaAndrew Murray

Timothy Henry Henman
Elena Baltacha
Andrew Murray

Слайд 11 Basketball in USA

Basketball in USA

Слайд 12 Answer the questions
1. Where did the competitions of

Answer the questions1. Where did the competitions of ancient athletes take

ancient athletes take place?
2. What competitions did the First

Olympic Games include?

3. How often are the Olympic Games held?

4. Why did the Olympic Games become the symbol of peace
and friendship?

5. Are Summer and Winter Games held separately?

6. When did Russia join the Olympic movement?

7. When and where will the 22nd Winter Olympic Game be held?

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-olympic_games.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0