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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему: Сны

Dreamare successions of images, ideas, emotionsthat occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep. *succession – последовательность *occur involuntarily in the mind during -происходит непроизвольно в сознании
In  Interesting facts about DREAMS Dreamare successions of images, ideas, emotionsthat occur involuntarily in the mind during Interesting facts:1) We forget 90% of our dreams.During the first 5 minutes In our dreams we see previously familiar faces Our mind is not Not all people see colorful dreams.12% of sighted people have dreams exclusively The most common emotion in dreams is anxiety. People are more prone Number of dreams in one nightIt turns out that the average person Dreams of men and women. Men and women have dreams differently. The Thank you for your attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Dream
are successions of images, ideas, emotions
that occur involuntarily

Dreamare successions of images, ideas, emotionsthat occur involuntarily in the mind

in the mind
during certain stages of sleep.

– последовательность
*occur involuntarily in the mind
during -происходит непроизвольно в

Слайд 3 Interesting facts:
1) We forget 90% of our dreams.

Interesting facts:1) We forget 90% of our dreams.During the first 5

the first 5 minutes after waking man
remembers almost

all sleep, but after 10 minutes
after waking up - 90%, we can no longer remember.

Слайд 4 In our dreams we see previously familiar faces

In our dreams we see previously familiar faces Our mind is

Our mind is not inventing faces - in our

dreams we see real faces of real people that we have seen in our lifetime. We can not remember them and do not know, but our brain uses these thousands of options to show in my dreams.

Слайд 5 Not all people see colorful dreams.

12% of sighted

Not all people see colorful dreams.12% of sighted people have dreams

people have dreams exclusively in black and white colors.

Слайд 6 The most common emotion in dreams is anxiety.

The most common emotion in dreams is anxiety. People are more

People are more prone to negative emotions in dreams

than positive.

In dreams we are more likely to experience negative emotions.

Слайд 7

Number of dreams in one night
It turns out

Number of dreams in one nightIt turns out that the average

that the average person sees one night from 4

to 7 dreams. Which takes from one to two hours.
*on the average – в среднем

Слайд 8 Dreams of men and women.

Men and women

Dreams of men and women. Men and women have dreams differently.

have dreams differently. The men in my dreams, about

70% of characters - men and emotions. In women, the number of male and female characters about the same.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-sny.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 164
  • Количество скачиваний: 3