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Презентация на тему The State Power System in Russia

From the history...In 1992 shortly after the Soviet Union broke up Russia established a transitional government headed by Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin had been elected President of the RSFSR in 1991. After the break-up of the Soviet
The State Power System in Russia From the history...In 1992 shortly after the Soviet Union broke up Russia Democratic federative stateRussia is a democratic federative state based on rule of Separation of powersOne of the basic principles of constitutional government is the Enforcement system in Russia Federal AssemblyAccording to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 94), the President of RussiaPresident as head of state holds a special place in The responsibility of the authoritiesPresidentSafety of the public systemSovereignty ofcountry Integrity of ConclusionThus, completing the review of the topic, we can say that Russia Thank you for attention!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 From the history...
In 1992 shortly after the Soviet

From the history...In 1992 shortly after the Soviet Union broke up

Union broke up Russia established a transitional government headed

by Boris Yeltsin. Yeltsin had been elected President of the RSFSR in 1991. After the break-up of the Soviet Union, Yeltsin continued to serve as President of Russia. In December 1993, Russia adopted a new constitution that established a permanent government.

Boris Yeltsin

Слайд 3 Democratic federative state

Russia is a democratic federative state

Democratic federative stateRussia is a democratic federative state based on rule

based on rule of law and a republican form

of government. State power in Russia is exercised by the President, the Federal Assembly, the Government and the courts.

Слайд 4 Separation of powers
One of the basic principles of

Separation of powersOne of the basic principles of constitutional government is

constitutional government is the division of powers. In accordance

with this principle, power must not be concentrated in the hands of one person or one institution, but must be divided:
The division of powers requires that there be a clear delineation of responsibilities and a system of checks and balances so that each branch of power can offset the others.

Слайд 5 Enforcement system in Russia

Enforcement system in Russia

Слайд 6 Federal Assembly
According to the Constitution of the Russian

Federal AssemblyAccording to the Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 94),

Federation (Article 94), the Parliament of the Russian Federation

is the Federal Assembly - the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation and in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 95 of the Constitution, consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and State Duma.

166 members (two representatives from each subject of the Russian Federation: one from executive bodies of state power).

Council of the Federation

450 deputies elected by citizens of the Russian Federation on party lists, for a period of 5 years.

RF State Duma

Слайд 7 President of Russia
President as head of state holds

President of RussiaPresident as head of state holds a special place

a special place in the system of state power.

According to the Constitution it is not directly attributed to any of the branches of government, obespichivaet their coordinated function. It interacts with the legislature of the Russian Federation, is closely linked to the executive branch, it has significant powers of influence on it.

Vladimir Putin

Слайд 8 The responsibility of the authorities

Safety of the

The responsibility of the authoritiesPresidentSafety of the public systemSovereignty ofcountry Integrity


Sovereignty of
Integrity of the country
Each institution of state

power is only partially responsible for enforcing the Constitution. Only the President has the responsibility of safeguarding the state system, the state's sovereignty and integrity overall. This is the guarantee that the other state institutions and officials can exercise their powers in a normal constitutional fashion.

Слайд 9 Conclusion
Thus, completing the review of the topic, we

ConclusionThus, completing the review of the topic, we can say that

can say that Russia as a truly federal state

develops only for ten years, so it represented the public authorities system still needs elaboration, development and improvement based on the experience of foreign countries, including, possibly, India.
Russia will also need to exercise tight control over the proper functioning of the organs of state power of its subjects, which promote and improve the institution of federal intervention. In this regard, India, which is the same as Russia is a multinational state, and where the very strong separatist tendencies, you can borrow a lot of value, in particular, the institution of direct presidential rule.

  • Имя файла: the-state-power-system-in-russia.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 194
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