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Презентация на тему Страноведение для начальной школы Великобритания ,Лондон

Hallo! Boys and girls!I am a flag of Great Britain!My name is a UnionJack.I would like to tell you about Great Britain!It is very beautiful country!I think you will like it and after my storyyou will
What do we know about Great Britain? Hallo! Boys and girls!I am a flag of Great Britain!My name is Great Britain is the largest Ireland in Europe.The UK consists of 4 Look at this map What is the capital of Great Britain?Answer these questions!LONDONWhat language do they speak?ENGLISH The different parts of Britain have their own capitals and national emblems( LondonThere are a lot of attractions in London London is a wonderful Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames. The famous clock-Big Ben.It weighs 13,720 kilograms. This is Tower Bridge, it was built in 1894. Buckingham Palace You can see the Changing of the Guard everyday outside Buckingham Palace. The Tower of London is very old. It has a long and Stonehenge(stone-камень,hang-висеть) The London Eye How high is The London Eye? The London Eye is the largest observation wheel in the world and Double-decker It is the most famous telephone box in the world. Sir Giles This is Nelson`s column on the Trafalger Square. Westminister Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend says that Westminister Now you know something about the capital of Great Britain. You know Answer my questions:1) What is the name of the flag of Great Good Buy! See you later! Выполнила Поздина Юлия Николаевна, Учитель английского языка МОУ сош № 4.Цель: познакомить
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Hallo! Boys and girls!
I am a flag of

Hallo! Boys and girls!I am a flag of Great Britain!My name

Great Britain!
My name is a Union
I would like to

tell you about Great Britain!
It is very beautiful country!
I think you will like it and after my story
you will learn English very well.

Слайд 3 Great Britain is the largest Ireland in Europe.


Great Britain is the largest Ireland in Europe.The UK consists of

UK consists of 4 parts. They are :England, Scotland,

Wales and
Northern Ireland.

57 million people live in The United Kingdom of Great Britain.

Слайд 4 Look at this map

Look at this map

Слайд 5 What is the capital of Great Britain?
Answer these

What is the capital of Great Britain?Answer these questions!LONDONWhat language do they speak?ENGLISH

What language do they speak?

Слайд 6 The different parts of Britain have their own

The different parts of Britain have their own capitals and national

capitals and national emblems( They are all plants.)

Capital: LONDON



Capital: CARDIFF

Capital: BELFAST

Слайд 7
There are a lot of
attractions in London

LondonThere are a lot of attractions in London London is a

London is a wonderful place to be! There is

something for everyone. London is on the river Thames about 40 miles from the sea. London has around 7 million people living in and around it.

Слайд 9 Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames.

Houses of Parliament stand beside the river Thames.

Слайд 10 The famous clock-
Big Ben.
It weighs 13,720 kilograms.

The famous clock-Big Ben.It weighs 13,720 kilograms.

Слайд 12 This is Tower Bridge, it was built

This is Tower Bridge, it was built in 1894.


Слайд 14 Buckingham

Buckingham Palace

Слайд 15 You can see the Changing of the Guard

You can see the Changing of the Guard everyday outside Buckingham Palace.

everyday outside Buckingham Palace.

Слайд 17 The Tower of London is very old. It

The Tower of London is very old. It has a long

has a long and cruel history. It is not

just one building. The tall building is the White Tower, the oldest part of the Tower of London.
The Bloody Tower is near the river.

Слайд 19 Stonehenge


Слайд 20 The London Eye

The London Eye

Слайд 21 How high is The London Eye?

How high is The London Eye?

Слайд 22 The London Eye is the largest observation wheel

The London Eye is the largest observation wheel in the world

in the world and it`s very popular with tourists

. It`s about 135 meters high. You can see for 25 miles on a fine day.

Слайд 23 Double-decker


Слайд 24 It is the most famous telephone box in

It is the most famous telephone box in the world. Sir

the world.
Sir Giles Gilbert Scott designed it in

the 1920s.

Слайд 25 This is Nelson`s column on the Trafalger Square.

This is Nelson`s column on the Trafalger Square.

Слайд 26 Westminister Abbey is a symbol of England. The

Westminister Abbey is a symbol of England. The legend says that

legend says that Westminister Abbey was founded by St

Peter himself. It was build 1065.The coronation of all British Kings and Queens takes place in Westminister Abbey . Some famous English people are also buried here.

Слайд 27 Now you know something about the capital of

Now you know something about the capital of Great Britain. You

Great Britain. You know some information about parts of

this country. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has different names.
Some people say “Great Britain”, or “Britain”, or “The United Kingdom”, or just “ the U.K.” and “G.B.”

Слайд 28 Answer my questions:
1) What is the name of

Answer my questions:1) What is the name of the flag of

the flag of Great Britain?
2) What is the population

of London now?
3) How far is London from the sea?
4) How many parts are there in Great Britain?
5) What British symbols do you know?
6) How high is The London Eye?
7) When was designed the most famous telephone box in the world?
8) When was Tower Bridge built ?

Слайд 29 Good Buy!
See you later!

Good Buy! See you later!

  • Имя файла: stranovedenie-dlya-nachalnoy-shkoly-velikobritaniya-london.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 176
  • Количество скачиваний: 0