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Презентация на тему Olympic Games; appearance, history. Hockey in Olimpic Games

The Olympic Games are the largest international sports competitions, featuring winter and summer sports. They take place every four years at different locations. Thousands of athletes, presenting more than 200 nations, participate in this global sporting
«OLYMPIC GAMESAPPEARANCE, HISTORY, HOCKEY IN OLYMPIC GAMES»Alibek Gadjibaevlyceum 30 The Olympic Games are the largest international sports competitions, featuring winter and The Games were initially held only in summer. The city of the The variety of sports practiced in the Olympics is amazing. Summer sports The history of hockey is one of the most challenged among all Since 1984, players from the NHL have been allowed to participate in
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Слайд 2 The Olympic Games are the largest international sports

The Olympic Games are the largest international sports competitions, featuring winter

competitions, featuring winter and summer sports. They take place

every four years at different locations. Thousands of athletes, presenting more than 200 nations, participate in this global sporting event. The tradition was inspired by the idea of Olympic Games, which were held in Ancient Greece from 8BC to 4AD. The city of Games was situated near Mount Olympus, which is how they got their name. The history of modern Olympic Games started in 1894. The person, who revived this ancient tradition, was Baron Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, every four years, excluding the period of World Wars, the Olympic Games are held.

Слайд 3 The Games were initially held only in summer.

The Games were initially held only in summer. The city of

The city of the event changed each time. So

the first Summer Olympic Games took place in Athens (Greece), in 1896. The second capital for Games was Paris – the native city of Pierre de Coubertin. First Winter Olympic Games were also held in France, in 1924. They took place in mountainous region Chamonix. If in Ancient Greece the event had religious implication and was held in honor of Zeus, modern competition is mostly run for friendship of nations and new achievements. The official motto of the Olympic Games is “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, which is translated from Latin as “Faster, Higher and Stronger”. It is notable that women were not allowed to participate in this major international sports event until 1910. The first sport they competed in was golf. Starting from 1988 every Olympic Games are followed by Paralympic event, which is established for athletes with a range of disabilities.

Слайд 4 The variety of sports practiced in the Olympics

The variety of sports practiced in the Olympics is amazing. Summer

is amazing. Summer sports include archery, football, cycling, canoeing,

field hockey, etc. Winter sports are even more spectacular. They are skiing, bobsleigh, curling, ice hockey, figure skating, luge, skeleton, biathlon and other sports. And this is not all. The list of sports is constantly updating. Perhaps, the most impressive part of the Olympic and Paralympic Games are the opening and closing ceremonies. The opening ceremony is usually followed by a range of artistic displays, country presentations, host country’s national anthem, and the athletes’ parade. The closing ceremony introduces all the athletes again without national distinction and the IOC president, who makes the closing speech. Medal presentation is another ceremonial part. It is held after each competition. The winners get gold, silver and bronze medals, depending on their performance.

Слайд 5 The history of hockey is one of the

The history of hockey is one of the most challenged among

most challenged among all sports. But despite this, Canada is

still considered the birthplace of modern ice hockey. Ice hockey is the confrontation of two teams that, passing the puck with sticks, strive to throw it the greatest number of times into the opponent's goal and not to miss it. The winner is the team that has scored the most goals in the opponent's goal.

The first ice hockey tournament at the Olympic Games was held at the 1920 Summer Olympics. Since 1924, ice hockey has moved to the program of the Winter Olympic Games. The women's ice hockey tournament has been included in the Olympic program since the 1998 Winter Olympics in Nagano.

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