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Презентация на тему england and scotland

Question 1:What’s the capital of Scotland? Belfast b) Cardiffc) Edinburgh
Mr. Beefeater’s quiz Question 1:What’s the capital of Scotland? Belfast b) Cardiffc) Edinburgh Edinburgh Question 2:What’s the capital of Wales? Belfast b) Cardiffc) Edinburgh Cardiff Question 3:What’s the official name of the country? Great Britain b) Englandc) The UK The UK Question 4:What’s the area of the country? 357 000 sq.km b) 244 100 sq.kmc) 156 sq.km 244 100 sq.km Question 5:How is the flag of Scotland called? The cross of The cross of St. Andrew Question 6:How is the flag of Ireland called? The cross of The cross of       St. Patrick
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Question 1:

What’s the capital of Scotland?

Question 1:What’s the capital of Scotland? Belfast b) Cardiffc) Edinburgh

c) Edinburgh

Слайд 3 Edinburgh


Слайд 4 Question 2:

What’s the capital of Wales?

Question 2:What’s the capital of Wales? Belfast b) Cardiffc) Edinburgh

c) Edinburgh

Слайд 5 Cardiff


Слайд 6 Question 3:

What’s the official name of the country?

Question 3:What’s the official name of the country? Great Britain b) Englandc) The UK

Great Britain
b) England
c) The UK

Слайд 7 The UK

The UK

Слайд 8 Question 4:

What’s the area of the country?


Question 4:What’s the area of the country? 357 000 sq.km b) 244 100 sq.kmc) 156 sq.km

000 sq.km
b) 244 100 sq.km
c) 156 sq.km

Слайд 9 244 100

244 100 sq.km

Слайд 10 Question 5:

How is the flag of Scotland called?

Question 5:How is the flag of Scotland called? The cross of

The cross of St.

b) The cross of St. Andrew
c) Union Jack

Слайд 11 The cross of St. Andrew

The cross of St. Andrew

Слайд 12 Question 6:

How is the flag of Ireland called?

Question 6:How is the flag of Ireland called? The cross of

The cross of St.

b) The cross of St. Andrew
c) The cross of St. Patrick

Слайд 13 The cross of

The cross of    St. Patrick

St. Patrick

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-england-and-scotland.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 130
  • Количество скачиваний: 0