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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему : “Do you know English well?”

Introduction - Name - Age - Introduction of team
Hello! Nice to see you again!Do you know English well? Introduction  - Name   - Age   - Introduction of team My dear schoolName the words that are connected with school. Lazy sentences  1. Football, Mike, every Sunday, plays  2 . Who is quicker?1 .The first day of the week …..2. The colour Professions Check yourself Correct the mistakes My brother like fruit pie.Does you eat a lot Check yourself East, holiday, South, West, NorthTea, coffee, juice, lemonSwimming, hockey, museum, Thank you!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
- Name
- Age

Introduction - Name  - Age  - Introduction of team

- Introduction of team

Слайд 3 My dear school
Name the words that are connected

My dear schoolName the words that are connected with school.

with school.

Слайд 4 Lazy sentences
1. Football, Mike, every Sunday,

Lazy sentences 1. Football, Mike, every Sunday, plays 2 . My

2 . My in the evening, mother,

TV, watches
3 . Alice, yesterday, went, to the theatre
4 . She, for, her, bought, the cage, hamster

Слайд 5 Who is quicker?
1 .The first day of the

Who is quicker?1 .The first day of the week …..2. The

week …..
2. The colour of the sun…….
3 . The

month that follows October….
4 . A domestic animal ….
5 . Eight plus one is …
6 . Boys and girls at school are….

Слайд 6


Слайд 7 Check yourself

Check yourself

Слайд 8 Correct the mistakes
My brother like fruit pie.
Does you

Correct the mistakes My brother like fruit pie.Does you eat a

eat a lot of bread?
They does not drink hot

Does your mother reads books?
British people likes tea?
Does you like chocolate? – Yes, I like.
My friends doesn’t like meat. They eats only vegetables.
John like fish and carrots but he don’t like onion.

Слайд 9

Odd WordEast, holiday, South,

Odd Word
East, holiday, South,

West, North
Tea, coffee, juice, lemon
Swimming, hockey, museum, football
Pig, puppy, cage, fish

Слайд 10 Check yourself
East, holiday, South, West, North
Tea, coffee, juice,

Check yourself East, holiday, South, West, NorthTea, coffee, juice, lemonSwimming, hockey,

Swimming, hockey, museum, football
Pig, puppy, cage, fish

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-“do-you-know-english-well”.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 137
  • Количество скачиваний: 0