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Презентация на тему по прочитанному произведению Canterville Ghost_7 класс_Форвард

Choose the right answer
The Quiz Choose the right answer What does the Centerville Ghost like to do? frighten people  cry in the Virginia is good at … helping people  running the house  acting on the stage  helping her parents Mr Otis has … three children  a daughter and twins  a daughter and The twins are good at … laughing  planning tricks  helping people  helping their parents Washington Otis is … the eldest  the cleverest  the most polite  the youngest Where was the bloodstain?On the floor near the fireplace.In the library near Who is the ghost?Lady Eleanor.Sir Simon.The Duchess of Bolton.We still don’t know it. True or False? The ghost turned to red when he was angry.The bloodstain always reappeared.Mr 8. The ghost could see the bloodstain in the library.9. The ghost Answer the Questions Why did Mr Otis want to give a bottle of Rising Sun Oil to Sir Simon? What did the ghost feel after this episode? What did the twins do? Why was the ghost unhappy? What colour was the bloodstain? Why did the family hurry downstairs each morning? Did he manage to frighten the family? Complete the Sentences The Otises were ………. .First they didn’t believe in ………..But then the The ghost …………… frighten the family.He waited the clock to strike ……….Suddenly …………… saw the ghost.The ghost thought it was his duty to ……………………He Virginia ……………….. to help the ghost.The next morning the family was alarmed Solve the Puzzle
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Choose the right answer

Choose the right answer

Слайд 3 What does the Centerville Ghost like to do?


What does the Centerville Ghost like to do? frighten people  cry in

people  cry in the darkness  hide in the library  sleep in the


Слайд 4 Virginia is good at …

 helping people  running the house  acting

Virginia is good at … helping people  running the house  acting on the stage  helping her parents

on the stage  helping her parents

Слайд 5 Mr Otis has …

 three children  a daughter and twins  a

Mr Otis has … three children  a daughter and twins  a daughter

daughter and 3 sons  a daughter and a son

Слайд 6 The twins are good at …

 laughing  planning tricks  helping people  helping

The twins are good at … laughing  planning tricks  helping people  helping their parents

their parents

Слайд 7 Washington Otis is …

 the eldest  the cleverest  the most polite  the

Washington Otis is … the eldest  the cleverest  the most polite  the youngest


Слайд 8 Where was the bloodstain?

On the floor near the

Where was the bloodstain?On the floor near the fireplace.In the library

In the library near the window.
On the floor in

the fireplace.
In the library under the carpet.

Слайд 9 Who is the ghost?

Lady Eleanor.
Sir Simon.
The Duchess of

Who is the ghost?Lady Eleanor.Sir Simon.The Duchess of Bolton.We still don’t know it.

We still don’t know it.

Слайд 10 True or False?

True or False?

Слайд 11
The ghost turned to red when he was

The ghost turned to red when he was angry.The bloodstain always

The bloodstain always reappeared.
Mr Otis took the Sun oil

into the ghost’s hands.
The ghost was happy when people were afraid of him.
5. Mr Otis wanted to frighten the ghost.
6. The twins shot little balls of paper at the ghost.
7. He wanted to co-operate the other ghost to frighten the Otis.

Слайд 12 8. The ghost could see the bloodstain in

8. The ghost could see the bloodstain in the library.9. The

the library.
9. The ghost didn’t stop his ghostly work.

The ghost ate Virginia’s sandwich.
11. The ghost wanted to find peace in the end.
12. Only love and a little girl can help the ghost to rest in peace.
13. The head of the second ghost was a turnip.

Слайд 13 Answer the Questions

Answer the Questions

Слайд 14 Why did Mr Otis want to give a

Why did Mr Otis want to give a bottle of Rising Sun Oil to Sir Simon?

bottle of Rising Sun Oil to Sir Simon?

Слайд 15 What did the ghost feel after this episode?

What did the ghost feel after this episode?

Слайд 16 What did the twins do?

What did the twins do?

Слайд 17 Why was the ghost unhappy?

Why was the ghost unhappy?

Слайд 18 What colour was the bloodstain?

What colour was the bloodstain?

Слайд 19 Why did the family hurry downstairs each morning?

Why did the family hurry downstairs each morning?

Слайд 20
Did he manage to frighten the family?

Did he manage to frighten the family?

Слайд 21 Complete the Sentences

Complete the Sentences

Слайд 22 The Otises were ………. .

First they didn’t believe

The Otises were ………. .First they didn’t believe in ………..But then

in ………..

But then the family heard ……………………… and saw

a …………………. on the floor by the fireplace.

Mr Otis gave the ghost …………………………… to oil his chains.

The ghost turned to ……… and left.



clanking chains


a bottle of lubricator


Слайд 23 The ghost …………… frighten the family.

He waited the

The ghost …………… frighten the family.He waited the clock to strike

clock to strike ……….

Suddenly he was scared by ……………….....


the morning the ghost decided to …………… to it.

It turned out that it was just a hollow ………… placed on a sweeping brush.



another ghost



Слайд 24 …………… saw the ghost.

The ghost thought it was

…………… saw the ghost.The ghost thought it was his duty to

his duty to ……………………

He told her that …………………. starved

him to death.

The girl offered him ……………….

He said that he wanted to ……………….



his family

a sandwich


Слайд 25 Virginia ……………….. to help the ghost.

The next morning

Virginia ……………….. to help the ghost.The next morning the family was

the family was alarmed because Virginia had ………………

She appeared

at …………………….

The ghost was attached to the castle because he had been a very …………. man.

A few years later Virginia got …………………






Слайд 26 Solve the Puzzle

Solve the Puzzle

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-prochitannomu-proizvedeniyu-canterville-ghost_7-klass_forvard.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 185
  • Количество скачиваний: 7