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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Кальций (8 класс)

What is it? Calcium is a chemical element. It was proposed by the English chemist Humphry Davy, in 1808. Among the most important functions in a living body is his participation in the work of
Calciumby Shkiryatova Angelina, 8 “G” What is it? Calcium is a chemical element. It was proposed by Humphry Davy, an English chemist Where can you find it?Because of the high chemical activity, calcium in Why is it important for bones?Because calcium is the main element for Who is it most important for?Calcium is the most common mineral in What happens if you don't have enough calcium?Calcium deficiency is observed, if Thank you for your attention!!!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 What is it?
Calcium is a chemical element.

What is it? Calcium is a chemical element. It was proposed

It was proposed by the English chemist Humphry Davy,

in 1808.
Among the most important functions in a living body is his participation in the work of many systems, he provides a contraction of muscles in the transmission of a nerve impulse.

Слайд 3 Humphry Davy, an English chemist

Humphry Davy, an English chemist

Слайд 4 Where can you find it?
Because of the high

Where can you find it?Because of the high chemical activity, calcium

chemical activity, calcium in the free form is not

found in nature. It'is easily interacts with oxygen, carbon dioxide and air moisture, because of which the surface of calcium metal is usually dull-gray, so in the laboratory, calcium is usually stored, like other alkaline earth metals, in a tightly closed jar under a layer of kerosene.

Слайд 5 Why is it important for bones?
Because calcium is

Why is it important for bones?Because calcium is the main element

the main element for the formation of new bones.

The process of bone formation occurs every day of your life.

Слайд 6 Who is it most important for?
Calcium is the

Who is it most important for?Calcium is the most common mineral

most common mineral in the human body. Calcium is

present in every plant and is important for its growth. It is contained in the tissues, the fluid around the cells, the bones of each animal. Thus, it is a natural component of soil, water, plant and animal life. Man, using grown plants, animal meat, water, receives calcium from food.

Слайд 7 What happens if you don't have enough calcium?

What happens if you don't have enough calcium?Calcium deficiency is observed,

deficiency is observed, if a person regularly receives less

than the required rate, diseases can develop.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-kaltsiy-8-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 158
  • Количество скачиваний: 5