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Презентация на тему по иностранному языку How correctly sit at the computer

Introduction Wrong position of the body with hours of work at the computer is almost the most important factor, which is the basis of diseases of an office worker or student. Let's try to
How correctly sit at the computer? Orlov VladimirGroup: П-711Novosibirsk2018 Introduction Wrong position of the body with hours of work How to choose the right chair on which you will sit at How to sit at your desk? Legs.Back. Arms.Eyes. Exercises that need to be done while sitting at the computerEvery 30 Every hour, get up from behind the computer, stretch your arms and Thank you for attention
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Introduction
Wrong position of the body with hours of

Introduction Wrong position of the body with hours of work

work at the computer is almost the most important

factor, which is the basis of diseases of an office worker or student.
Let's try to remember the simple recommendations that we have seen on the school poster "We sit right at the desk". The same rules are still valid today for working with a computer.

Слайд 3 How to choose the right chair on which

How to choose the right chair on which you will sit

you will sit at the computer?
Modern computer chairs are

adjusted in height, so it is easy to raise or lower the seat.

Слайд 4 How to sit at your desk?

How to sit at your desk? Legs.Back.

Слайд 5 Arms.


Слайд 6 Exercises that need to be done while sitting

Exercises that need to be done while sitting at the computerEvery

at the computer
Every 30 minutes it is recommended to

do eye exercises

Слайд 7 Every hour, get up from behind the computer,

Every hour, get up from behind the computer, stretch your arms

stretch your arms and back. It is worth to

be like, to distract from the image on the monitor.

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-inostrannomu-yazyku-how-correctly-sit-at-the-computer.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 157
  • Количество скачиваний: 0