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Презентация на тему по английскому языку на тему Brain-ring between parents and children

Decode:16, 1, 18, 5, 14, 19 1, 14, 43, 8, 9, 12, 4, 18, 5, 14
Brain-ring between parents and children Decode:16, 1, 18, 5, 14, 19    1, 14, 43, CABBAGE NAME MEDAL MONKEY SUMMER TEACHER FINISH TELEPHONE Answer the questions1. Which is the first letter in the word “August”? How many words can you make using this letters? 1. Elizabeth			 a. Mike2. Thomas				b. Bobby3. William			c. Pat4. Susan				d. Tony5. Michael			e. Sue6. Jumbled Words1. A e m c n r a i Jumbled /Real Words1. American2. Washington3. Englishmen4. Australian5. Mississippi6. Melbourn “Parts and Wholes”Combine the two parts to get a name.1. San   Famous cities of Great BritainOx To show verbs without words 23. There are 8 on a spider and 6 on a bee, Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? What is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle of How clever you are!!! English Basketball THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 Decode:
16, 1, 18, 5, 14, 19

Decode:16, 1, 18, 5, 14, 19  1, 14, 43, 8,

1, 14, 4

3, 8, 9, 12, 4, 18,

5, 14



Слайд 8 MEDAL


Слайд 10 MONKEY


Слайд 12 SUMMER


Слайд 14 TEACHER


Слайд 16 FINISH




Слайд 19 Answer the questions

1. Which is the first letter

Answer the questions1. Which is the first letter in the word

in the word “August”?
2. What English city stands

on the river Thames?
3. Which animal likes honey?
4. What vegetable makes you cry?
5. What day of the week is before Saturday?

Слайд 20 How many words can you make using this

How many words can you make using this letters?   max 28 words

max 28 words

Слайд 21
1. Elizabeth a. Mike
2. Thomas b. Bobby
3. William c. Pat

1. Elizabeth			 a. Mike2. Thomas				b. Bobby3. William			c. Pat4. Susan				d. Tony5. Michael			e.

Susan d. Tony
5. Michael e. Sue
6. Robert f. Pam
7. Patric or Patrica

g. Bill
8. Anthony h. Tom
9. Pamela i. Liz

Слайд 22 Jumbled Words
1. A e m c n r

Jumbled Words1. A e m c n r a i

a i

2. s h W i a n t g n o
3. g i E m n e l i h s
4. s i n i A u r t a l n a
5. M p p i s i s s i s i
6. M n e e l b u r o u

Слайд 23 Jumbled /Real Words
1. American
2. Washington
3. Englishmen
4. Australian
5. Mississippi

Jumbled /Real Words1. American2. Washington3. Englishmen4. Australian5. Mississippi6. Melbourn


Слайд 24 “Parts and Wholes”
Combine the two parts to get

“Parts and Wholes”Combine the two parts to get a name.1. San

a name.
1. San             

a. Britain
2. Great          b. Zealand
3. New           c. Francisco
4. John           d. Starr
5. Ringo         e. Harrison
6. George      f. Mc Cartney
7. Paul            g. Lennon

Слайд 25 Famous cities of Great Britain

Famous cities of Great BritainOx     poolMan


Cam ford
Liver burgh
Lon chester
Edin diff
Car fast
Bel don

Слайд 27
To show verbs without words

To show verbs without words

Слайд 28 23. There are 8 on a spider and

23. There are 8 on a spider and 6 on a

6 on a bee, 4 on an elephant, but

only 2 on me

Слайд 29 Funny questions
What lies between England and France?

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? What is the middle

is the middle of the world?
What is in

a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town?
What is the famous drink in Great Britain?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 30 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world?
What is in

a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town?
What is the famous drink in Great Britain?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 31 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world? the letter “r”

is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town?
What is the famous drink in Great Britain?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 32 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world? the letter “r”

is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? the letter “c”
What is the famous drink in Great Britain?
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 33 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world? the letter “r”

is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? the letter “c”
What is the famous drink in Great Britain? tea
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 34 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world? the letter “r”

is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? the letter “c”
What is the famous drink in Great Britain? tea
How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 35 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world? the letter “r”

is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? the letter “c”
What is the famous drink in Great Britain? tea
How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 26
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet?

Слайд 36 Funny questions
What lies between England and France? and

Funny questionsWhat lies between England and France? andWhat is the middle

is the middle of the world? the letter “r”

is in a country, in a capital, in a city, but not in a town? the letter “c”
What is the famous drink in Great Britain? tea
How many letters are there in the English alphabet? 26
What letter stand before Q in the English alphabet? the letter “P”

Слайд 37 How clever you are!!!

How clever you are!!!

Слайд 38 English Basketball

English Basketball

  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-na-temu-brain-ring-between-parents-and-children.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 185
  • Количество скачиваний: 0