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Презентация на тему к проекту Английские и русские пословицы как способ отражения национального быта и характера. Сходство и различие

The aim of the projectThe main aim of the project is to find out how English and Russian proverbs and sayings reflect the national life and the national character and if they are actual and popular
English and Russian proverbs and sayings as the way of learning the The aim of the projectThe main aim of the project is to 1.Are proverbs and sayings actual and popular nowadays?	a) yes		b) no		c) it’s difficult Definitions‘Пословица’- краткое народное изречение с назидательным смыслом; народный афоризм, ‘поговорка’ – краткое Topical meanings: love and friendship, labour, animals.Lexical meanings and metaphorical sense:	• The The 1st groupLove in a cottage. С милым и рай в шалаше.A Love will creep where it may not go. На любовь закона нет. No longer pipe, no longer dance. Изжил нужду, забыл и дружбу. A Proverbs are the way of reflecting the national life.Weather: It is raining Motherland and familyMy home is my castle - мой дом – моя Conclusion Proverbs and sayings are folklore speech where not only the person’s THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The aim of the project
The main aim of

The aim of the projectThe main aim of the project is

the project is to find out how English and

Russian proverbs and sayings reflect the national life and the national character and if they are actual and popular nowadays in both languages.
The objectives are:
to study the popularity and interest in the English and Russian proverbs and sayings;
to define the meanings of proverbs and sayings and their role in both languages;
to find out the role of proverbs and sayings as the way of learning the national life and the national character;
to analyze the similarity and difference in meanings and means of language of both English and Russian proverbs and sayings.

Слайд 3 1.Are proverbs and sayings actual and popular nowadays?

1.Are proverbs and sayings actual and popular nowadays?	a) yes		b) no		c) it’s

yes b) no c) it’s difficult to say
2.How often do you

use proverbs and sayings in your speech?
a) often b) sometimes c) never
3. Do you think proverbs and sayings reflect on the national life and character?
a) yes b) no c) it’s difficult to say
4. Do you know and use Russian proverbs and sayings in your speech?
a) yes b) no c) it’s difficult to say
5. Do you know* and use˟ English proverbs and sayings in your speech?
*a) yes b) no c) it’s difficult to say
˟a) often b) sometimes c) never
6. Are English and Russian proverbs and sayings similar or different?
a) similar b) similar and different c) different d) it’s difficult to say


Слайд 4 Definitions
‘Пословица’- краткое народное изречение с назидательным смыслом; народный

Definitions‘Пословица’- краткое народное изречение с назидательным смыслом; народный афоризм, ‘поговорка’ –

афоризм, ‘поговорка’ – краткое устойчивое выражение; законченное высказывание.

language Dictionary by S. Ozhegov
‘Proverb’ – is a short sentence, usually known by many people, stating something commonly experienced or giving advice; ‘saying’- is a well-known and wise statement, which often has a meaning that is different from the simple meanings of the words it contains.
Macmillan Dictionary

Слайд 5 Topical meanings: love and friendship, labour, animals.

Lexical meanings

Topical meanings: love and friendship, labour, animals.Lexical meanings and metaphorical sense:	•

and metaphorical sense:
• The 1st group includes English and

Russian proverbs and sayings whose metaphorical senses and lexical meanings are similar.

• English and Russian proverbs and sayings whose metaphorical senses are similar, but lexical meanings are different belong to the 2nd group.

• The 3rd group consists of English and Russian proverbs and sayings whose metaphorical senses and imagery are different.


Слайд 6 The 1st group
Love in a cottage.
С милым

The 1st groupLove in a cottage. С милым и рай в

и рай в шалаше.
A friend in need is a

friend indeed.
Друг познается в беде.
A bad workman quarrels with his tools.
У плохого мастера и пила плохая, или мастер глуп — нож туп.
Catch the bear before you sell his skin.
Не дели шкуру неубитого медведя.

Слайд 7 Love will creep where it may not go.

Love will creep where it may not go. На любовь закона

На любовь закона нет.
Old friends and old wine

are best.
Старый друг лучше новых двух.
Не works best who knows his trade.
Дело мастера боится.
Dogs that put up many hares kill none.
За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь.

The 2nd group

Слайд 8 No longer pipe, no longer dance.
Изжил нужду,

No longer pipe, no longer dance. Изжил нужду, забыл и дружбу.

забыл и дружбу.
A cat in gloves catches no

Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.
Dog eats dog.
Человек человеку волк.

The 3rd group

Слайд 9 Proverbs are the way of reflecting the national

Proverbs are the way of reflecting the national life.Weather: It is

Weather: It is raining cats and dogs.
Дождь льёт как

из ведра.
Names: Every Jack has its Jill.
Не бей Фому за Еремкину вину.
Relationship: Honesty is the best policy.
За правое дело стой смело.
Labour: No pains, no gains.
Без труда не вытащишь и рыбки из пруда.

Слайд 10 Motherland and family
My home is my castle -

Motherland and familyMy home is my castle - мой дом –

мой дом – моя крепость.
East or west home is

best – в гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
Родимая сторона – мать, а чужая – мачеха. И кости по родине плачут.
Like father, like son – яблоко от яблони не далеко падает.
Necessity is the mother of invention - голь на выдумки хитра.
Вот тебе бабушка и Юрьев день.
Голод не тётка.

Слайд 11 Conclusion
Proverbs and sayings are folklore speech where

Conclusion Proverbs and sayings are folklore speech where not only the

not only the person’s point of view but also

general people’s outlook is expressed.
Proverbs and sayings are various and universal expressions found in every sphere of human life.
For our project work 100 proverbs and sayings were chosen, classified and compared according to their topical meanings, metaphorical sense and correlation of English proverbs and sayings to their Russian equivalents.
Using proverbs and sayings helps the learners of English to enrich their language, learn closer the national way of life, national character and culture of both nations.

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