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Презентация на тему My flat 5 класс

The 4-th of February My flat
MY FLATAldabergenova Meiramgul.Form “5” The 4-th of February  My flat PlanI.Org.moment:Good afternoon pupilsGood afternoon teacherWho is on duty today?I`m on duty ________Who Let`s sing a song.What is your name?What is your name?What is your To checking up hometask:What was your hometask _______ Corridor [ kоridо: ] дәлізBedroom [bedrum] ұйықтайтын бөлмеLiving [liviηrum ] қонақ бөлмеStudy Grammar:There is / are орамы:Егерде заттың атауың белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын білдіру Doing exercise: Plays:There is/are –any – prepositionsExample:A: is there a table?B: yes, there is.A: Ex/s:2 look at this plan. This is Omar`s flat.A corridor a bedroomA Ex/s:3 Look at the picture. Write the names of the room.A living room____________________________________ Ex/s:5. Ex/s: 6.p-106.This is a living room.   There is a sofa Homework:ex/s:9,10. The lesson over.Good bye, pupils.
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 The 4-th of February My flat

The 4-th of February My flat

Слайд 3 Plan
Good afternoon pupils
Good afternoon teacher
Who is on duty

PlanI.Org.moment:Good afternoon pupilsGood afternoon teacherWho is on duty today?I`m on duty

I`m on duty ________
Who is absent?
Absent is _________
What season

is it now?
It`s __________ now
What month is it now?
It`s _________ now
Sit down, please.

Слайд 4 Let`s sing a song.

What is your name?
What is

Let`s sing a song.What is your name?What is your name?What is

your name?
What is your name?
Bow tell me, please.
What is

your name?
My name is Colin.
My name is Colin.
My name is Colin.
That`s my name.

Слайд 5 To checking up hometask:
What was your hometask _______

To checking up hometask:What was your hometask _______

Слайд 6 Corridor [ kоridо: ] дәліз
Bedroom [bedrum] ұйықтайтын бөлме

Corridor [ kоridо: ] дәлізBedroom [bedrum] ұйықтайтын бөлмеLiving [liviηrum ] қонақ

[liviηrum ] қонақ бөлме
Study [st ] оқу бөлмесі
Bathroom [ba:өrum

] жуынатын бөлме
Dining room [diniη rum ] ас ішетін бөлме
Toilet [toilit] дәретхана
Clock [klok ] сағат
Carpet [ka:pit ] алаша
Door [do: ] есік
Lamp [læmp] лампа
Sofa [sәufә ] диван
Picture [pik∫ә] сурет

New words

Слайд 7 Grammar:
There is / are орамы:
Егерде заттың атауың белгілі

Grammar:There is / are орамы:Егерде заттың атауың белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын

бір жерде тұрғанын білдіру қажет болса сөйлем There is/are

орамынан басталады.




Мына кестелермен салыстырып оқыңыздар:

Болымды түрі: Болымсыз түрі: Сұраулы түрі:

There is a sofa There is not a chair Is there a table?
There are sofas There are not chairs Are there tables

Слайд 8 Doing exercise:

Doing exercise:

Слайд 9 Plays:
There is/are –any – prepositions

A: is there a

Plays:There is/are –any – prepositionsExample:A: is there a table?B: yes, there

B: yes, there is.
A: ___ there any chairs.
B: Yes,

there ______
A: ____ there any carpet?
B: No, there ________
A: ____ there a sofa?
B: Yes, there ______
A: ____ there any plants?
B: Yes, there ______
A: ___ there a fire?
B: No, there ______.

Слайд 10 Ex/s:2 look at this plan. This is Omar`s

Ex/s:2 look at this plan. This is Omar`s flat.A corridor a

A corridor
a bedroom
A living room
A study
A dining room

bath room
A toilet

Слайд 11 Ex/s:3 Look at the picture. Write the names

Ex/s:3 Look at the picture. Write the names of the room.A living room____________________________________

of the room.
A living room

Слайд 12 Ex/s:5.

Ex/s:5.          Listen

Listen and repeat.
a sofa sofas диван
an armchair armchairs кресло
a living room living rooms қонақ үй
a window windows терезе
a clock clocks сағат
a book books кітап
a table tables стол
a carpet carpets алаша
a plant plants өсімдік
a door doors есік
a chair chairs орындық
a lamp lamps лампы
a calendar calendars күнтізбе
a picture pictures сурет
a fire fires от
a toilet toilets дәретхана

Слайд 13 Ex/s: 6.p-106.
This is a living room.

Ex/s: 6.p-106.This is a living room.  There is a sofa

There is a sofa in the living room.

There are two armchairs in the living room.

Continue, please.
There is a ________________
There are ________________

Слайд 15 Homework:ex/s:9,10.


  • Имя файла: my-flat-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 152
  • Количество скачиваний: 0