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Презентация на тему Открытый урок на тему Год за годом (Spotlight 5 класс)

“Year after year”
Класс: 5Предмет: английский язык Учебник: «Spotlight», авторы Ю.Е. Ваулина, Д.ДулиТема: “Year after “Year after year” Match the pictures to the phrases  and translate thempick flowersplay in pick flowersplay in the snow rake leavesgoing swimmingсобирать цветыиграть в «Снежки»сгребать листвукупаться “What are the people in each picture doing?” What are the children 1.It’s not very cold. It isn’t raining at the moment but sometimes “What’s the weather like today?”It’s sunnyIt’s hotIt’s warmIt’s rainingIt’s cloudyIt’s windyIt’s snowingIt’s freezingIt’s coldсолнечножаркотеплодождливооблачноветреноидёт снегморознохолодно There are some new words:ForecastIt’s awful!It’s terrible!Fabulous!Прогноз погодыУжасно!Ужасно!Потрясающе! Act out dialoguesA:Hi, Tanya. Where are you?B:I’m in Belfast.A:What’s the weather like Make the sentencesButterfly loves spring because she loves flowers.Craysish loves summer because Home taskSb. P.86-87, ex. 4,5 Well done!!!Goodbye!
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2 “Year after year”

“Year after year”

Слайд 4 Match the pictures to the phrases and translate them

Match the pictures to the phrases and translate thempick flowersplay in the snow rake leavesgoing swimming

play in the snow
rake leaves
going swimming

Слайд 5 pick flowers
play in the snow
rake leaves
going swimming


pick flowersplay in the snow rake leavesgoing swimmingсобирать цветыиграть в «Снежки»сгребать листвукупаться

играть в «Снежки»
сгребать листву

Слайд 6 “What are the people in each picture doing?”


“What are the people in each picture doing?” What are the

are the children doing in the picture A?
In the

picture A the children are playing in the snow.

What is the woman doing in the picture B?
In the picture B the woman is picking flowers.

What are the people doing in the picture C?
In the picture C the people are going swimming

What is the woman doing in the picture D?
In the picture D the woman is raking leaves.

Слайд 7 1.It’s not very cold.
It isn’t raining at

1.It’s not very cold. It isn’t raining at the moment but

the moment
but sometimes it rains.
2.It’s very hot

and the sun is shining.
3.It’s very cold and it’s snowing.
4. It’s warm and the sun is shining.

Match the sentences to the picture.

Слайд 8 “What’s the weather like today?”
It’s sunny
It’s hot
It’s warm

“What’s the weather like today?”It’s sunnyIt’s hotIt’s warmIt’s rainingIt’s cloudyIt’s windyIt’s snowingIt’s freezingIt’s coldсолнечножаркотеплодождливооблачноветреноидёт снегморознохолодно

It’s cloudy
It’s windy
It’s snowing
It’s freezing
It’s cold

идёт снег

Слайд 9 There are some new words:
It’s awful!
It’s terrible!

Прогноз погоды

There are some new words:ForecastIt’s awful!It’s terrible!Fabulous!Прогноз погодыУжасно!Ужасно!Потрясающе!

Слайд 11 Act out dialogues
A:Hi, Tanya. Where are you?
B:I’m in

Act out dialoguesA:Hi, Tanya. Where are you?B:I’m in Belfast.A:What’s the weather

A:What’s the weather like in
Belfast today?

awful! It rains all the time.

Слайд 13 Make the sentences
Butterfly loves spring because she loves

Make the sentencesButterfly loves spring because she loves flowers.Craysish loves summer

Craysish loves summer because he loves the sun.
Squirrel loves

autumn because she loves rain.
Bear loves winter because he loves snow.

Слайд 14 Home task
Sb. P.86-87, ex. 4,5

Home taskSb. P.86-87, ex. 4,5

  • Имя файла: otkrytyy-urok-na-temu-god-za-godom-spotlight-5-klass.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 325
  • Количество скачиваний: 26