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Презентация на тему к уроку по теме :Seasons

This is the season When children ski And old Father Frost
SEASONS This is the WINTER In winter people celebrate New Years Day Children can ski, skate, play snowballs in winter.;;;;;;;;; Spring      Come my children! Come away! Spring First flowers show up.            Snowdrops VIOLETS Tulips Birds come back from hot countries and begin to make their nests Spring holidays SUMMER Summer Autumn
Слайды презентации

Слайд 2

This is the season

This is the season

When children ski
And old Father Frost
Brings the New Year Tree

Слайд 3 WINTER


Слайд 4 In winter people celebrate New Years Day

In winter people celebrate New Years Day

Слайд 5 Children can ski, skate, play snowballs in winter.

Children can ski, skate, play snowballs in winter.;;;;;;;;;

Слайд 6 Spring

Come my

Spring   Come my children! Come away!  For the

children! Come away!
For the sun shines

bright today
Get your hats and come away
For it is a fine spring day!

Слайд 7 Spring


Слайд 8 First flowers show up.

First flowers show up.      Snowdrops




Слайд 10 Tulips


Слайд 11 Birds come back from hot countries and begin

Birds come back from hot countries and begin to make their nests

to make their nests

Слайд 12 Spring holidays

Spring holidays

Слайд 13 SUMMER


Слайд 15

Summer comes and it is

Summer comes and it is hot.

Days are long and nights are short.
Birds can sing , we can swim.
Flowers grow . Lots of fun , oh!

Слайд 17 Autumn


  • Имя файла: prezentatsiya-k-uroku-po-teme-seasons.pptx
  • Количество просмотров: 132
  • Количество скачиваний: 0